Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
How do people even get so many/specific SSRs anyway? -- I don't see how anyone could get such perfect comps for multiple elements.
The only way is whaling.

This forum focuses too much on absolutely perfect teams... but uh, I shouldn't be the one saying that. I'm extremely guilty of that myself!
Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
-- so pumping hundreds of dollars into this is not happening.
Hundreds? Considering how each, random SSR Hime will cost you 200 bucks on average, try thousands. Probably tens of thousands for perfect teams in each element.
Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
That being said though, if/when a miracle ticket becomes available again, is there any one kamihime jumping out to you that's a must have given what I currently own?
That should be soon, but until we know exactly what Hime are in it, it's too difficult to say.

We'll have a thread for it once Nutaku releases the next one, we'll see then.