Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
You don't drop SSR Nike in a water team, you drop Sol and use another water hime. Unless you badly need Sol, she's not needed in your water party and only hurts your damage output, especially in a leveled team that is already using a strong healer. If you really think you might need her, then just keep her in your sub. Of the current content, the only one I could see her being needed is for soloing Fire Cata, which is not something you need to solo.

In the case your team can already reach def down cap without Herc's weapon and without Ambush. You can save for Shingen or just use anyone else. Just because the other souls don't excel at 'burst builds' doesn't mean they should be ignored, especially not if your team isn't build around burst builds to begin with. Going Shingen isn't going to make a major difference than just using any other soul with Provisional Forest as an ex skill because your burst rates will equally slow without the specific party related burst rate buff himes, which applies to your current teams.
You literally posted one second after I did

Alright, here's the issue I see with dropping Sol in my team.

The point is that my team's damage output is... trash, since I'm hitting about as hard as my debuffs allow me to. Paraphrasing Bear, my damage has officially hit the debuff ceiling, and I don't have much to go for. But that's kinda the trap I have with my water set up, or what I feel in general about the water meta.

How would I change that? Water has like... 4 practical dps himes so far as I can tell. Asherah, Oceanus, Shiva, maybe Anahit. Ea, if you really want to force that in. Neptune, in the future, and she's not strictly a nuker I guess. Even if I sub in Oceanus or Ea for Sol, is the damage output increase significant enough for me to flat out murder enemies the way fire does with Uriel/ Svarog, or thunder with future Brahma? ... I don't think so, but correct me if I'm wrong. Asherah seems to be the only option where nuking with water seems viable... guess who doesn't have her

Tl;dr: I don't see dropping Sol giving me that significant of an advantage in terms of damage output, my hime composition seems to be hard capping me at the moment. Please do tell if that's another misconception.

Also, given your bottom statement, I'm going to go ahead and assume that Joan is the most viable option I have now?