Third jewel gacha in a ow and third ssr kami to mi side... and again not a dark one.

This time she is Titania, the wind buffer with the posibility to Awoken.
I don’t think she can make a great difference in a strong wind team... but it’s my first ssr wind kami so... Is it worth to awakening her?

Im running dartagna (cause I buy her def weapon for error...), Oberon, iblis, rami rami (the wind one) and Hermès (cause she hits like a truck). I think Hermes must leave the team for a better offensive kami. Was thinking to replace Iblis (cause I’m using d artagna weapon), but she buff with elemental attack.

I also have Chronis, Freja, Aisha and Maeve. And all free sr wind kamis from events. But anyone is relevant enougth.