Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Third jewel gacha in a ow and third ssr kami to mi side... and again not a dark one.

This time she is Titania, the wind buffer with the posibility to Awoken.
I don’t think she can make a great difference in a strong wind team... but it’s my first ssr wind kami so... Is it worth to awakening her?

Im running dartagna (cause I buy her def weapon for error...), Oberon, iblis, rami rami (the wind one) and Hermès (cause she hits like a truck). I think Hermes must leave the team for a better offensive kami. Was thinking to replace Iblis (cause I’m using d artagna weapon), but she buff with elemental attack.

I also have Chronis, Freja, Aisha and Maeve. And all free sr wind kamis from events. But anyone is relevant enougth.
I didn't see any answer to this, or I possibly missed seeing the answer that someone posted.

Anyways, Titania is actually a Kami you want for a Strong Wind team. The team in mind is able to burst about every 4 turns. The team would consist of Cu Chulain, Cybele U, Titania, and Hastur. If you use Herc with her Atk Relic Weapon, then you'll be able to max Def down debuff after first burst.

I just finished putting this team together myself, I just have to finish leveling my AW Titania and then I can start playing with it and perfect my timing with them.