Are lilims worth keeping for any reason or just sell them for eidolon orbs? I know they have element attack up which could potentially be argued value as a sub slot, but their stats are so garbage. Just wanting to make sure there's nothing really even worth mentioning for them before I just sell all of them. Also on the topic of orbs, what's worth zerging? I kinda wanna get 2x amphisbaena as I only have her 2* and she's probably the best dark eidolon I have (working on dark comp), although I do have Echidna as well but at 0LB kinda poor stat wise. Otherwise was just thinking rush dragoons (2nd copy for ones I already have (water and wind if relevant) or element I don't have one for?). The only other thing I could see worth getting with orbs is dragon eye shards, but feel like that's not even worth compared to getting MLB dragoons.

Also quick weapon question - are 2* pride weapons worth having or just use them for mats? I could theoretically use an orichalcum on them (if I could beat the dang guild order mission >_<), but even then not sure if they're worth holding on to. The alternative is SRs unfortunately - still working on my weapon grids as I wasn't around at the start .