Honestly I've found many subscription MMOs easier to document and discuss than this game. The bar for entry is lower because everyone is playing the same version of the game and has access to more or less the same set of abilities and equipment. Also, the code and game mechanics aren't spaghetti. In this game you have DMM veterans and Japanese-language documentation discussing future content on one end, and English players on the other concerned with current content. You also have an English version that doesn't always mirror the Japanese version at the same point in time. The interface between the two versions is thus messy and contentious. The cashing system is messy and creates artificial disparities between players.

I don't have any ready solutions. Honestly, I think there's been much more interest in problem-finding than problem-solving. Might help if discussion was more purposeful, topic-driven, information-dense, and professional. But well, that's not why most people post here.

I do agree that this thread is a poor information repository. It is a great way to heap together content so only the most avid forum followers will ever see it and no one will be able to find it at a later date.