Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Base attack is what the game tells you when you check the details of an eidolon. So a lv 100 Horus has an attack of 1926 (without any +1's on it).
When I said 'on-element eidolon', the idea I'm expressing is that the eidolon has the same element as the soul & kamihime in a given team. Your soul and the kamihime gain a bonus of 10% from an eidolon if they're of the same element. So for fire souls/kamihime, that lv 100 Horus gives 1926*1.1 ~= 2118 or 2119 atk (I'm not sure if the game rounds up or down). You can see this in the HP/atk listed for your party members in the team edit screen.

The first lv 100 Horus can still probably hang around in the sub slot if you have Belial, depending on what else you have. It also depends on how much you're prioritizing atk over more useful summon effects from your sub slots. And whether you should prioritize one over the other will be fluid; it'll change depending on your team/how strong you are and the given encounter.
I'd probably keep the Horus around for the time being just to give myself the option if I ever want it. I tend to prefer keeping my options open (even the really hypothetical niche ones). Others will have their own preferences/priorities.

As far as non-event eidolons whose effects are worth a second copy of? That is, you're already using one of them (presumably maxed), and you managed to get yet another? Well, the kaiser dragoons of course. Their effect is what, 2 turns of +30% element and 30% resist against whichever element they're advantageous against on a 8 turn cooldown? That's a fantastic enough effect that you'd gladly have multiple of. Outside of that obvious answer? Hmm...
Behemoth against certain encounters (if you can survive the cooldown). It's not often , but some fights are designed to have the enemy able to paralyze or petrify you (screw you, Medusa). Sure, your soul and some kamihime have debuff cleansing abilities. But you can't use them when petrified (again, screw you, Medusa). Or paralyzed for that matter, IIRC. Again, it's the sort of thing that doesn't come up often, but if it does, you'd really like some counters.
Takemikazuchi's +15 burst gauge every 9 turns. I could see having two of them in rotation for +15 burst every 4/5 turns. I wouldn't say optimal, but it can be neat if it's what you need to push you into reliably bursting once per Takemikazuchi summon.
Anubis eats an overdrive orb with an alleged success rate of 75% every 10 turns. I like orb removal abilities with decent success rates, unlike the absurdly low, might as well be non-existant accuracy of Jack Frost.
Thanks. Your answer is so helpful!
Is Kaiser Ok to be used at 0LB or only when you have 1LB given low stats (1600 at 0LB)