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    Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
    Hey all looking for some party advice (again) - largely related to soul weapons but numbers/skill question as well

    I keep going back and forth on what's the optimal opening for my dark party. Likely never make a difference, but the fact that I don't know is annoying me heavily. My party is:

    Soul (currently herc - not sure who to make resident soul)
    Satan (awakened)
    Amon (Unleashed)

    sniper shot --> hades destroyer is a given, but after that I'm at a loss. Satan only applies dark resist down but I know that can be a massive damage boost. Pluto needs to use amphael giazza (wtf name is that?) to apply blocks before buffing for the added dark atk up, and thanatos provides an additional def debuff. I'm sure a lot of this is heavily dependent on gear, but I guess the general question is when applying debuffs, what are the priorities to use first? I've currently been going with Pluto --> Satan --> Thanatos due to debuffs being possible to miss and feeling like dark resist down > 3rd defense down debuff, but unsure if this is true or not. Also - is Herc the right soul for this comp or should I swap to Shingen or something?

    My light comp is kinda bad (only have Michael and just got Moonlight Artemis), but was wondering what the go-to soul for light is in general. Comp is:

    SSR Artemis

    Love the burst gauge stacking, but doesn't seem like Shingen would work as they have long cds. Anywho any/all advice appreciated thanks!
    Applying Hades Destroyer first is more important as elemental resist also works as affliction resist down for the element, so that dark resist down will increase the rate of the rest of your debuffs landing. So for debuffs, it'd be Satan->SniperShot->Thanatos or Amon->Other debuffs. If you have Sphinx ready, then that before Satan.

    The overall amount of def down you have on your dark team is a bit much if you plan to use Herc with her weapon. With Sniper Shot or Hercs' weapon (even at 0 break), using Satan with either Thanatos or Amon is -already 50% def down, making that extra def down from using all 3 himes a potential waste on other utilities, especially so if you had Herc's completed weapon or look at how lackluster Amon becomes is if you get rid of her def down. If you don't have any other useful dark himes, then feel free to keep all 3 but I'd still opt for a different soul, Shingen preferably. You can use Sniper Shot and drop Amon for other resources or keep her and just use Black Prop or something.

    Though two things to take note of. First is that using Pluto's buffs will heavily vary on the fight, what you need to look at is whether or not you can clear the fight under 8 turns and how fast your team takes to get to full burst. The second is that Amon will get her skills revamped in the future and her def down will be changed to c-frame, making her def down clash with Thanatos, but letting you reach cap def with just her and Satan, assuming you're still using them by then.

    As for light team, Shingen works fine. People always bring up Shingen being too fast or your himes not being fast enough to keep up but that really isn't an issue right now. Either just save her burst or have Shingen solo burst to build up your teams burst. Her weapon at max break gives +30 burst to her after she bursts, in addition to all her other skills, it is incredibly easy for her to catch up. The only major issue with your light team right now is not having Tsukiyomi to reach def down cap, meaning Hercules with her weapon is your best option if you want def down cap, but if you're okay at clearing content with -40%, Shingen with Sniper Shot with your team is fine.
    Last edited by Aidoru; 10-16-2018 at 07:57 AM.

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