Quote Originally Posted by MajinLuffy View Post
-- I don't consider myself a whale but I don't mind spending money when there is a good deal.--
Gambling is never a good deal. If you're going to do a pull on each of those elements, then what's the difference pulling the normal pay-gacha six times?

Nothing. (Okay fine, you get an extra SR. Wow.)

It's a bad, bad deal if you think about it for a second. But of course, the way the shop is set up is meant to amaze you and make you think as if you're getting some sort of deal. Please, think before you spend.

Only the Black Friday 10 SC deal can be a "good" deal because it's basically nothing for... nothing. If you HAVE loaded up SC into your account (like the 98 bucks one which leaves you with an awkward amount), you're literally not losing out on anything. Beyond the first step though, it's a bad deal again - you're paying 30 bucks for a 50% chance of wasting your money (SSR Eidolons, since you'll basically never find a 100% one).

The only "good" deals are Miracle Tickets, because you know what you're getting. Is it worth 50 bucks for you to get the SSR Hime you want? Up to you. But that's BY FAR the best value for money you can get. After that, it's the exclusive Gachas. On average 100 bucks for the exclusive SSR in that gacha. These are run very rarely, and they're still gambling - you might get nothing even after spending 400 bucks, so be careful about that. And after that, the only thing even remotely worth it is the SSR Hime guaranteeds. 30 bucks for a fair chance of getting something useful.

Everything else is just pure gambling and thus purely a waste of your money. If you have more IRL money than what you spend, go ahead - knock yourself out.