Quote Originally Posted by MagicSpice View Post
You seem like you're here to attack me.
That's because I AM.

Correcting your posts - which were always (and I mean always) wrong - every day didn't help. For months to an end. I simply got tired of that and tried switching to a new tactic.

Ignoring your posts... didn't help. Even if nobody replied to you for weeks, you still kept posting. And again, everything was always wrong. Because not only me but most others had gotten tired of fixing your mistakes, newer people actually took you seriously and didn't get things straight.

I was at my wit's end about what to do about you... and then somebody lashed out at you. I forget who, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that poof, you were gone! GONE! FINALLY gone! So maybe, just maybe it'll work again.

Look, if you ever learned from your mistakes - and I mean EVER - then it wouldn't be a problem. But I have not seen you learn anything ever over the months that you were active here. You keep making the same mistakes. You keep misunderstanding things that have been said. You refuse to acknowledge what others tell to you. I am sorry, but you are a blight upon this forum.

I've probably made the most mistakes out of everyone on these Kamihime forums, but I do try to learn and improve. If I look back at my early posts, I can't help but to cringe at all the things I got wrong. But looking at your early Kamihime posts, you seem to be simply incapable of improving. Sometimes, I wonder do we even speak the same language. You clearly use English words that even form sentences, and yet, we simply cannot communicate.

Please. Let's not go through months of torture again. Go. Away. Be happy somewhere else.