Quote Originally Posted by LudgerKresnik View Post
What do you guys think about ligth caspiel? C fram def down and a second ability with stackable def down sounds great for a better power cap against the enemies.

Im actually runing Shingen (with her soul spear MLB and sniper shot). Sol AW), Michael and Frey, and was using in the last spot Demeter for A frame def down or Sati with her Ligth resist down. But wiki says that Caspiel has 15% def down C frame, wich is more than Demeter or Sati. And dont forget about her stacable def down...

Since I dont have Diana or any other ligth kami with good def down Im looking in cheaper options. And Caspiel looks really good. Does her debuuf skills compensate the lack o attack power?

I want to hear your tougths.
Use whatever you have.

That said, friendly reminder that you'll only be realistically maintaining 6-9% def break from her stack since each stack has it's own 180 second counter. 16-19% def break is still very respectable for an R though.

Btw... her C frame is 10%. Which wiki are you quoting?

Does her debuff skills compensate the lack of attack power?
No, and I'd advise you stay away from that mentality. Compensate is not the correct term now, it's more "help" than anything else.

Honestly, I'd keep Sati and sub Caspy and Attar. In the meantime... I would try getting a Herc axe and using that to cover the remaining def break for now, as well as more consistent dmg output than Shingen. Shingen for light is a thing that comes next year.