Well, thanks for telling me to keep playing the event (Slashley, sanahtlig, don't remember if anyone else did xD), I was able to bag all the copies of the weapons and the eidolons and I barely played this week due to being busy with an event on FF Brave Exvius, I actually got 2 more spears from the gacha but considering I won't be able to FLB those I guess they will be fodder. Also was able to pull on the 10 jewel gacha, I wasn't expecting much considering I've been getting crap from the premium tickets all week, and bam!... Got Thor, Aether and Girihmekala in the same pull... seems like the game wants me to have a decent thunder team xD.

Anyway, regarding the topic of the element building discussion there was from an advice for me (while I was busy with another game xD), yeah... so far even having a somewhat decent starting thunder team, my water team with Rudra still farms the Water Disaster faster o.o
I do want a Wind team though, this event made sure to remind me how hard is to be on the other side of the elemental advantage stick xD