Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Ixion's Bow... is that 30s? If not, then please no. Stick to 30s Paralyzes. Either way, I don't think that Ixion Bow would work at all - for some reason burst effects from Soul weapons don't benefit the 100 Affliction buff. Source: me trying to use Wrath Bow in an age before Herc Relic weapon. So the hitrate of Ixion Bow is probably like 1%.
Friend from my union that utilises paratrain says that for him hit rate is about 85% with Thor AW and 75% with Ixion's Bow, so affliction rate probably works.

Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
That's not how you do it~

You triple (or more) run the mobile client on the same fight and get like 6 turns per 15 seconds in. That means you can go infinite with Thor's 30s Paralyze. Until a resist happens, anyway.

I'm sure there's... even better ways, but they're even more questionable than multiclienting the official client.
They supposedly wanted to ban for that, is mobile client spared from that (I am pretty someone here said he got banned for that) ?