Quote Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I'm a beginner building a water team with Rudra, currently rank 18. There's so much to do in this game that I'm a little lost - what should I be prioritizing my AP for? I was originally just doing story mode but realized I can do standard raids/poke Ragnarok raids (in hopes of SR weapons) and standard mode for the event advent battle (someone suggested farming materials to get raid gacha tickets). I also feel like I should be doing the element caves since I'm starting to have SR kamihime's stuck at level 30.

Thanks in advance!
you honestly should be doing all of that... but you should get more gems (preferably from gem SP quests and the times when you can run it non-stop for 30 mins). more gems means more gem gacha draws (and the funds to break limit stuff) so you can start pulling extra break limit items, R rarity weapons and enhancement materials and even some half elixirs for AP refills.

getting fast levels for your rank and your kamihime comes from the exp quests you can do twice a day (sunday has it open all day). as for elemental SP quests, it depends on the day of the week, so pay close attention to that since you can only avoid the ones with the lowest AP cost if you're pulling from the gacha.

as for raids, you need AP to start your own, but you need BP to join others. don't worry too much on those right now since there's a union event at the moment (which nets you a ton of stuff from mostly BP). but if you happen to see one you want to try, just use some BP and get in. energy seeds can come from the gem gacha as well and event tickets from raid event gacha can feed them like candy next time we get one.

and about tickets from that advent event we have, there's 3 kinds (one acting like premium draws, one forcing only kamihime weapons, and one giving kamihime weapons that come from past events). you can try to get them as well since the event lasts a long time plus that event is easier than the normal advent ones.

it's more of a case on how you budget your time, but you honestly should be doing most, if not all of this.... usually daily for best results. so simply put, aim for the limited quest runs first (exp and gem quests) the go from there. especially since you need tons of gems and the AP bar refills when you rank up.

in fact, you can go past the "max" for AP.... even when using elixirs. the higher your rank, the more potent those elixirs will get too.

Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
slashley vs magicspice
i think you just jinxed this cause we both replied to the same question at the same time...