Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post

This is where investment into null grids, and bricking hime weapons and things come into play. That's how you'll begin extending past the realm of limited to 150% assault and stuff like that.
Null Grids which we don't even have yet. And speaking of Null Grids, how realistic are those for F2P anyway? You roll with what you have, so how exactly are you going to have 5 weapons of the same type? I mean, outside of Thunder which nicely provides you with 5 SSR Guns (4x Gluttony if you've been playing since the start + soon to come Assault/HP Gun). Then you experience the GLORY OF HP(++++)! ... wait, shit. At least you get a fuckload of base stats, I guess.

Having access to Bricks, which we have gotten one for free so far.

So yeah, what are you supposed to do?
Yes, one year forward we'll have Tiara Set bonuses, notably power creeped SSRs (such as upcoming Light SSRs), lots more FLB weapons in every element, and maaaaaaybe Null Grids (though probably not). Yeah, that should outdo debuff resistant bosses (which are stupid). But right now, what are you supposed to do?
Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
For the record, when I say almost every light unit becomes viable, I'm not kidding. They often fall into 2 categories: super good at multi-utility, or utterly borken in their niche.
Okay, so the only non-Miracle Ticketed Light SSRs that I've found so far in my... 15 months of play and decent amounts of 'dolphinism' is Frey and Shamash. Both of which I got in the past few days.

What do I get with those?
I mean, with the help of my MT'd Sol, Shamash can probably be quite tanky. And Frey sure as hell beats the living shit out of the previous entry in my Light team, Belobog. But that's not a very high bar to go over.

And I still don't understand your utter hatred towards Light Nike. I mean, look at your list of excelling Light Hime. Let's see:
Lugh - 6/2019
Tish - 1/2019
Takeminakata - 2/2019
Vishnu (out now) and light Athena (4/2019) form a pretty potent combo
Mike AW - 2/2019
Meta AW - 4/2019
Iris - 8/2019

Yes, Light Nike has no place in a team of these. Yes, I get it! But that's not the point! Literally only one of them is out right now. ONE. Okay, Michael and Metatron are out right now, just without their Awakenings. Oh, and okay fine, Vishnu is out right now, but her other half is still months away.

So, how guaranteed are you to get any combination of those? About as likely as you are to get Light Nike. Which is to say - pretty damn low. Yes, you can Miracle Ticket a couple of them and if you already have Michael, then Light Nike has no place in your team. And that's... uh, eight months away? Seven?
Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
This of course all changes if you don't have the resources to run such setups, but when discussing where a character fits with the meta... introducing things like he may not have xxx derails the debate. Imagine trying to calculate something in maths, then somebody comes in and tells you that absolute numbers like 2 don't exist in reality, and that it's actually 1.999999999... somethang. I mean... yes, but try factoring that in theory. That kind of consideration is necessary, but I'd reserve it for actual team building and therefore application, not a theorycrafting session.
Well, I do think that we shouldn't consider just and only absolutely perfect teams. Because if we go down that rabbit hole - which we often do and I'm plenty guilty of it myself - then why not just say that all the content in the game is easy when you have 9x slvl30 Ascalons, 120% Belial, 5x lvl 100 Fire Kaisers and your team is Uriel and Svarog? And throw in a couple of Rs in there just for a laugh, because it's not like you need them for anything but Full Burst bonus.

Looking into the future is fine, but let's not look one year into the future and think that it's here today. Because it isn't - it's a full year away. This is Vine all over again, when people who had had Herc's Relic weapon out for months were laughing at how useless Vine is.
Quote Originally Posted by Kuredo View Post
the ticket doesn't state specifically both hime and eido or just himes but it should have been clear SSRs of that element. so far the 2 people i know bought it and they got himes from it so probably the latter
It has Eidolons. If it doesn't specifically say that SSR Hime, then it also includes Eidolons.