No worries bud, apparently I don't know you either, since I'm obviously mistaking you for someone else. Turns out just the same union, but not the same person. xD

As for that dude from your union, I don't know him either. Never met him, never mentioned him, don't remember ever speaking to him before. I was just having some fun with the nam dude, and the random guy butts in to try and shit-talk me on discord I guess? Who knows, maybe he felt left out or something. I didn't know who he was, so I was confused why he was getting offended in the first place in something that didn't even involve him. Maybe he used to be a big fan of shiachan and didn't like me insulting his heroes or something? Who knows, who cares. But if you're going to butt in to shit-talk someone, you should at least be prepared to receive the same as you give right? But yea, turns out just a case of mistaken identity. I thought he was you, oops my bad! I still have no idea who he even is... but shhh, don't tell them that haha.

Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
i did wanna pm this to you but can't pm on discord,
P.S. hmm dunno if you know this, but you can pm on these forums too ya know? so ye, if you're still confused as to what happened, feel free, since this is all probably off-topic now