Hi, new player here. So I have read beginners guide and decided to reroll. After 100+ created accounts I have got 2 accounts: Set+Aphrodite(lightning) and Ouroboros+Iwanaga-Hime(managed to farm during last day of event and unlocked 3/4 stars)+Fafnir.
2nd account: Sol+Pluto and Ifrit.
Should I try to reroll for 100% eidolon if I like endurance playstile? First team is great for this with what I already have (2 healers with aoe absorb+heal) and second team has Sol and Hebe(stackable +3% def -3% atk 10 times)?
I was thinking about getting Lilim Invidia (Dark Characters' ATK↑ 90% with 3 or more different elements in the main party) in nearest event and using 3 dark dps and 2 non-dark support.

Is this viable or I am going to hit bottleneck at higher level content as free player and it's better to reroll for 100% eido?

And one more question. Is if feasable to play 2-3 accounts simultaneously (I want wind/light/dark accounts) if I am online for 14 hours per day?