Not sure on the actual increase in values to sarasvati, but still feel like she'll be a little lackluster. I don't mean that in the "why did I get her and not someone else sense", but rather the fact that increasing burst gauge increase won't help that much as you should wait for full burst anyway, and water boost is only 2 people (as compared to someone like Asherah who grants water atk up for party), but it's definitely a welcomed buff that will make her more competitive at least. That being said, again not sure on the %increase in values, so it could be a lot more beneficial than I'm giving it credit for.

Random question on Rag raid parts (the things you need for soul weapons and final break limits) - which should be considered priority generally speaking: final break limiting a weapon or saving for soul weapons? I currently have 0 soul weapons max limit break (with some elements not having any soul weapons) as I've been focusing on full limit breaking some weapons that seem super useful for (such as adding exceed or defender to the weapon), but at the same time I can't help but feel like I'm gimping myself by not getting 4x herc axe for light for example to get that -50% def down.

Also, I know there's a soul weapon thread, but what's the general consensus on soul weapons for wind party if you don't have a "meta" comp that shingen fits super well in? I feel like going herc feels off as the def down on burst = (or worse than?) the def down on hraes, which if you're doing difficult content you'll likely have as a partner making it redundant, yet if you don't have a shotgun burst comp shingen doesn't fit super well either.....