Quote Originally Posted by Keyen View Post
-About the double/triple attack, what is the base rate? Something like 10%/5%? Different for each KH?
8% Double, 3% Triple for everyone. Awakened Hime get a +2% bonus to both, so 10% Double and 5% Triple in total.
Quote Originally Posted by Keyen View Post
-Still about the double triple attack, how works the percentage and in which order? Let's say the base chance is 10%/5% (for the example). I have this soul, there, with some energy release used on double/triple attack. Now, I have Titania AW using her buff on the soul. So now, i'm at 65%/39%:
-Do I have a 39% chance check to triple attack, then another 65% chance check to double attack (or the reverse), meaning I can still do basic attacks (~21%)?
-Do I have 39% chance to triple attack and 61% chance to double attack, meaning I won't do any basic attacks at all, and the excess chance (over 100%) to double attack is ignored?
If you have 100% or more combo rate, then you can never do single attacks. Nor can you hit Double and Triple in a single turn. As for going above 100%, according to basic tests, the ratio is scaled. As in, if you could somehow reach 200% Double and 100% Triple, you'd actually hit 2/3 chance of Double and 1/3 chance of Triple.
Quote Originally Posted by Keyen View Post
Sub question: I read everywhere that Titania (especially AW) is very good, and I can see that, but is she good enough to play her as a buff bot even outside her element?
Don't think so. At best a debuffer can be worth it to run off-element, since 20% or more damage is serious business. But usually, not even that.