Finally got Kali~~!(really don't wanna check my credit card history....) And I happened to get Arianrod and Chernobog as well.

My Wind team has a very horrible weapon grid so I doubt I'll ever use it until the wind event in April, but I'm gonna ask just in case. For Arianrod, does she start out with max arrow shaft or with 0? Also, should I be avoiding usage of her arrow shaft if it will put her to 0 since she gets atk/def down?
My only other wind SSRs are Isis and Cu Chulainn. For the fourth spot, do I want Oberon for her A Frame debuffs, SoF Ramiel for burst gauge gains, or both Sytry and Oberon replacing Isis+4th slot so when running sniper shot I get A/B/C frame ATK debuffs?
I'm under the impression that wind team is more of a very quick burst/fullburst team, but lacks a good combination(or needs a very KH specific team) of DATA/Burst generation+Buff+Debuffs.

For my Dark team, with the addition of Chernobog and Kali I now have 5 SSRs. Here's a few combinations(situational depending on content/playstyle) I've come up with.

1) Satan, Pluto, Amon(Unleashed), Paimon.
This would be the team to use if I plan on purely AABing due to Kali and Chernobog having skills that seems to hinder their survivability/burst gauge generation if left on auto.

2) Satan, Pluto, Amon(Unleashed), Chernobog
This allows me to end rage more easily, extend stun, and ramp up burst gauge easily. The def down are currently both A frames, but once Amon's frame is swapped to C it also gives me an early -50% def down instead of relying on bursting first with Hercules.

3) Satan, Pluto, Kali, Chernobog/Paimon
Fast burst team and rage control with Chernobog, or a 1-2 turn slower burst with Paimon but I get a stackable burst dmg buff as well as an ATK buff+debuff I can use when building burst gauge.

These are the 3 combinations that I think would work, probably only using #1 for AAB.
Team #2 might be nice against a boss where I'm barely making it since it allows me to put boss into stun mode with more ease, while also giving me more time to have save up for full burst once boss enrages again.
#3 will probably be the team I use most often for harder/manual content. Pluto seems to have decent innate DATA % for some reason which was what led me into building for a burst synergy. Might move her to the back row and have Chernobog/Paimon thrown in front so she doesn't need as much burst gauge for fullburst. I'm not sure if Paimon or Chernobog provides more damage to the table, will have to test this myself unless someone knows which one will be better.

Would the 3 team comps work as intended in the described scenarios, and is there anything I'm missing out on? And sorry if the question about my wind team sounds like "what's best for my team" but because of the weak weapon grid(barely any SSRs and my SRs are mostly LB1s so can't be bothered with enhancing SKLVL) I barely ever bothered using it, so I've actually got no clue about what it has/lacks.