Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Oh boi. You really live under a rock do you? Shingen's MEX CD error aside (It's 6CD), your information is completely 2018 outdated. Raiko AW reduces her zeal to 7CD. Jupiter's Self BG is 30 now. And she has Self DATA buff from using her Ability nuke. And no mention of Marduk AW's Instant Burst ability giving herself an Enthusiasm buff that gives her 10BG/T for 3T, effectively allowing you to use her burst as a free team 10BG up. And did you just ignore Brahma on purpose?! What about Perkele who starts battle with 50BG and can Self +100BG every 6T? Each and everyone of these are tools that speed up your burst cycle.

Team restriction? Do you even raid? The fact that you are worrying about def down tells me that you either don't do raids or you are just a random leech. As somebody who hosts and MVP majority of his Lv90 Catastrophe / Lv100 Guardian raids, lemme tell you this: You wanna live long? You forget about debuffs. You bring your best dmg dealers or Andro depending on your chosen role, and balance it out with your best survival build using sufficient dmg cut / heals / utilities. Debuffs? That's leecher's job. Not capping debuff isn't gonna kill you if you actually brought the right tools and not suck at manualing. Missing your debuffs when you got nothing else is guaranteed GG. Don't believe me? Go on. Try host a Guardian raid with your prized capped debuff team. See how long you can last and how much dmg you can deal before somebody else join to pick up your corpse.
Yes, you're right, i'm a random leecher because i don't have a lot ssrs, actualy my only full ssr group is water, but with bad grid thanks to event scedule (5 disaster sr for example) and no Shingen so i can only to solo fire ulti or leech90/100 lvl raids. Other teams are even worse (only wind with Frigg Iblis Aether Arianrod and almost full ssr grid with 2 FLB is okay too).