Quote Originally Posted by Argo View Post
Wait, so using old SRs that have gained levels or skill levels makes leveling other weapons' skills go faster?
I keep trying to save materials by feeding my weapons until they have like an 86% chance for success or so, but it keeps failing. So if I can recycle older stuff that would be a nice help.
I've also been hanging onto excess SSRs from events to use as upgrade material, too. ie. I have a MLB Cow Hammer from the last advent, but also got a drop so I planned to use that when a weapon is around skill level 18 or 19 to upgrade. Is that okay, or should I hang onto those?
Okay let's make sure you're doing the weapon leveling as fast and as cheaply as possible. First of, always aim for 100% when you skill level.
To raise a level in an SR you the current level in 'Rs' weapons as fodder and to raise an SSR you need twice the current level in Rs. For example: Leveling a level 5 SR to level 6 needs 5 equivalent SRs.

You can speed up the higher level raises by first raising your fodder. Each level of an SR weapon will give you 3.5 skill raises or 'Rs', while each level in a Grail will give you 2 Rs and each level in Holy Grails will give you 5 Rs.

The best choices are SRs to level 4 (this nets you 14 Rs for a cost of 6 Rs), Grails to level 3 (6 Rs for 3 Rs) and Holy Grails to 5 (25 Rs for 10 Rs). This nets you 2 to 2.5 times the base 60 Rs you earn daily from Gem Gacha.

If you don't plan on using an SR long term, you can raise it to skill level 8 which returns 28 Rs of skill raises for 28 Rs input. That is the skill neutral level.

An SSR returns 35 Rs per skill level, but you should never use an SSR for fodder unless you are absolutely sure you won't use it. And you probably don't want to use that Assault SSR Hammer for fodder.... as you might get dropped a Phantom Hammer and/or the event returns and it gets an FLB.
