Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
Got a couple new SSRs and was hoping for some team advice.

Cthulhu, Sarasvati, Ea, Asherah, Aphrodite, Shiva, Ryu-oh. Was previously running Aphrodite/Sarasvati (depending on if I needed a cleanse or not), Shiva, Asherah, and Ryu-Oh, but with obtaining Cthulhu was thinking of swapping her with aphro/sarasvati, however that would mean no healing for raid fights (for soloing). While my water grid is definitely my best, it's still not quite there, and I still haven't actually bought a main soul weapon yet - largely due storm bow alvand being necessary to get to -50% def down (which after acquiring Cthulhu this morning, I believe no longer will be necessary, however it would still be so if I want to use Shingen's EX ability.....).

Thanatos, Satan, Pluto, Hades, Amon-U, and Susanoo.
Just picked up Susano-o and still leveling her, but was curious if she could even be shoved into my line up in any way. Using Thanatos, Satan, Pluto, and Hades atm with Shingen (EX ability), which unfortunately only puts me at -45% def down, but feel like that's better than going Amon + Satan and leaving Thanatos out. Either way, adding Susano-o would mean replacing either Pluto or Hades, both of whom seem pretty necessary considering I have no atk down in my comp with Hades (and my dark grid is severely HP lacking/underwhelming as a whole). I've debated taking Thanatos out and running SS on soul, but not sure if that's worth it especially as I'm still leveling Susano-o.

Sorry long post. Any help appreciated.
So I'll comment on the two teams I play and let someone else more knowledgeable on the other elements comment on those.

For water your strongest team is Asherah, Saraswati, Ryu-Oh, and Cthulhu. This team is fairly fast, has -40% DEF down, Black Propaganda, orb eat, and has some basic healing. Between Asherah and Saraswati you should be able to speed this team up fairly well. Cthulhu can also be fast, but is usually temperamental as her speed isn't guaranteed. I'd stick Cthulhu first, then Saras, followed by Asherah and Ryu-Oh last.

For the dark team I'd run Thanatos, Satan, Pluto, and Susanoo. There's no healing here (other than Susanoo's self heal), but you've got -45% DEF down, orb eat, speed, damage cut, and damage up. Should be fairly strong. BTW- Susanoo awakened is ungodly in strength. She, on average, does at least 20% more damage than other Dark SSRs. I usually can't find place for her in my team, but I'd take her over Hades and Amon since you have Satan and Pluto. Line up should be as listed up above. Once you up your grid, hopefully you won't be feeling so bad about HPs or healing. You can take Shingen with this team and see how it runs. You'll be looking for Osiris (to replace Susanoo) at some point to make a fairly fast bursty team.
