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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Few questions to pros and ppl that own 100% eidolons (or know ppl that do):

    1. How do you decide which raids to join? I cannot solo ult yet, so I always need ppl to join my raids, but have had very mixed success attracting ppl that can help finish the raid for me. With the exception of dark, I can get the boss past half health most of the time. Am I better off hitting it once and leave the boss alone so someone else can MVP it?

    2. Are there known hours when the server is particularly active and easier to find raid participants?

    3. For those who own 100% eidolons, under what circumstances (if ever) would you befriend someone without a 100% eidolon? I do not have a 100% eidolon, but miraculously managed to befriend a few who do, not sure how. Just wondering if there are any eidolons that are particularly in demand other than 100% eidolon. For example, I own behemoth and find her cleanse very useful for certain encounters so I put her on my support list, not sure if that will help attract anyone.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    I befriend people who have +99s and decent base stats (Tiamat, Adrama, Icarus, Fluerety)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I befriend people who have +99s and decent base stats (Tiamat, Adrama, Icarus, Fluerety)
    Base stats don't apply from Friend Eidolon, only your Grid...
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    So been playing for a little bit and I'm lost on how to properly build my team. What I currently have is: --
    As said, please reroll. Into any of the 100% Eidolons.

  4. #4
    falcontea Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    1. How do you decide which raids to join? I cannot solo ult yet, so I always need ppl to join my raids, but have had very mixed success attracting ppl that can help finish the raid for me. With the exception of dark, I can get the boss past half health most of the time. Am I better off hitting it once and leave the boss alone so someone else can MVP it?
    If I have 5 bp to use and don't see a Ragnaraok raid I will join whatever raid is available in an element I need materials for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    3. For those who own 100% eidolons, under what circumstances (if ever) would you befriend someone without a 100% eidolon? I do not have a 100% eidolon, but miraculously managed to befriend a few who do, not sure how. Just wondering if there are any eidolons that are particularly in demand other than 100% eidolon. For example, I own behemoth and find her cleanse very useful for certain encounters so I put her on my support list, not sure if that will help attract anyone.
    My friends list is full so really the only time someone gets on is when they ask nicely when I have people I can purge to make room but have been too lazy to do so. Unless their eidolons are absolute trash I don't really care what they are. Of course, if I see someone who I'd rather be on my list then those without 100% eidolons are the first to go.

  5. Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Few questions to pros and ppl that own 100% eidolons (or know ppl that do):

    1. How do you decide which raids to join? I cannot solo ult yet, so I always need ppl to join my raids, but have had very mixed success attracting ppl that can help finish the raid for me. With the exception of dark, I can get the boss past half health most of the time. Am I better off hitting it once and leave the boss alone so someone else can MVP it?
    it's honestly a coin flip about which one's u should join, unless u need material for it. when a person can solo it, most of them tend to not share it anymore. (unless they screwed up) so just aim for the element u tryin to beef up. also be aware that a lot of light, water and dark catastrophes tend to fail a bit more than the others.

    as for hitting it, if u can do decent damage than go for it. (if u're hitting around 25-30k per hime) just be aware if certain annoying mechanics can screw some ppl over. (e.g. atk up buff for lightning rage overdrive or water def buff for non rage overdrive and her rage mode trigger.) this is easily remedied by carrying a dispel or waiting.

    2. Are there known hours when the server is particularly active and easier to find raid participants?
    the time i find ppl being active is around 12pm-4pm pst. thou don't quote me on that one.

    3. For those who own 100% eidolons, under what circumstances (if ever) would you befriend someone without a 100% eidolon? I do not have a 100% eidolon, but miraculously managed to befriend a few who do, not sure how. Just wondering if there are any eidolons that are particularly in demand other than 100% eidolon. For example, I own behemoth and find her cleanse very useful for certain encounters so I put her on my support list, not sure if that will help attract anyone.
    hmm... i don't have a 100% eido, but i can tell u that most who do, will almost always never friend u if u don't have one. yea, it sux since 100% eidos ruined the game a bit. but hey u might get lucky and run into that nice guy.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest

    Noob and lost

    So been playing for a little bit and I'm lost on how to properly build my team. What I currently have is:

    Standard: Lancelot, Olivier, Vivían, Merlín
    Elite: Rosenkreuz

    SSR: Acala
    SR: Hermod, Amon, Baal, Cybele, Ereshkigal, Nike

    SSR: Vajra Trident Sword
    SR: Labrys, Water Blade Badelaud, Fire Lance Langdebeve, Corrupted Rifle Arquebus, Draupnir

    SSR: Vritra
    SR: Ignited Dragoon, Diábolos, Bugbear, Sephiroth, Vinglong, Prison of light - Disaster

    For soul, I'm currently working towards Mordred cuz I read she a good choice to use. I got a SR Miracle Ticket and I got no clue who to get. I dont know what to look for in a kamihime. I read that Amaterasu and Sol were good choices but neither were there. Doing the Advent event and I got Vritra lb 3, so should I do the 4th or pick up a weapon or two? What skills should I look for in kamihimes? What does ppl mean when they say a grid? I'm a complete noob and any tips/help would be appreciated.thxs

  7. #7
    Arrgh, because of the time I lost yesterday, I wasn't able to get as much Advent material as I wanted. Like, I could get the full 3k jewels, but then I wouldn't have enough gold and silver to FLB the Vada Blade. But if I want to do the latter, I can only get 2200. The 500 we got as compensation doesn't make up for this. Mrgrgr!

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    So been playing for a little bit and I'm lost on how to properly build my team. What I currently have is:

    Standard: Lancelot, Olivier, Vivían, Merlín
    Elite: Rosenkreuz

    SSR: Acala
    SR: Hermod, Amon, Baal, Cybele, Ereshkigal, Nike

    SSR: Vajra Trident Sword
    SR: Labrys, Water Blade Badelaud, Fire Lance Langdebeve, Corrupted Rifle Arquebus, Draupnir

    SSR: Vritra
    SR: Ignited Dragoon, Diábolos, Bugbear, Sephiroth, Vinglong, Prison of light - Disaster

    For soul, I'm currently working towards Mordred cuz I read she a good choice to use. I got a SR Miracle Ticket and I got no clue who to get. I dont know what to look for in a kamihime. I read that Amaterasu and Sol were good choices but neither were there. Doing the Advent event and I got Vritra lb 3, so should I do the 4th or pick up a weapon or two? What skills should I look for in kamihimes? What does ppl mean when they say a grid? I'm a complete noob and any tips/help would be appreciated.thxs
    Your starting account is completely thrash, i recommend to reroll, read guide in this forum. It will make things much easier. You don't have any element to work with - Acala is too situational and even not mid-tier hime. People said about Sol/Ama because if DMM eng version will start from the beginning, we will have not as much himes as today. Sol is very good starter anyway, second after 100/120% eydo, because she is literaly all elements hime before you get top tier group. Ama... I would say Svarog>>Uriel>>Ama/Mars in fire, but she is nice too - 20/20 bframe debuff + regen is usefull in fire where there are problems with sustain and bframe debuff. But if you want to reroll - 100/120% eydo>>anything else.
    But if you still want to make something with this account - Here are my advices. You need a himes with attack and def debuffs , try to get 50% cap in both - it will double your damage and half foe's. debuffs/buffs from different frames stacks, from the same - override. Mordred has -10/10 bframe debuff, After her get Gawain for ambush ex skill. Then you need a healer - when your damage is not so high you need to survive. Healer can be even off-element for the beginning (At least you will have Nike, she must be your first LB4 sr unless you have ssr heal). rest - damage/damage buffs/ maybe tank like Gaya/Joan, but it is situational - not every content needs it. Grid is a set of the weapons and eydolons. You need as many assault weapons of the element you play. Eydos - you need 40% element/5% data or 45% element for thhe beginning as main, sub - for te beginning any lvl 100 ssr is good for stats, after it - you want good attack (about 2k or higher), good call or needed element if you have 120% eydo or Anubis/Magnamarr. For beginner off-element SSR can be an option as a stat stick. 1-2 defender weapons are good too, but you want to use not pure defender, but dualskill defender+ something good. Try to join as many ultimate disaster raids as you can and leech rewards, but if you want to join water - just use all skills and don't attack - you may make a problems to strong players. Join active union, next event will be UE. Uou will get a lot of free stuff - 2 ssr weapons, 1 garbage ssr eydo, books etc.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Few questions to pros and ppl that own 100% eidolons (or know ppl that do):

    3. For those who own 100% eidolons, under what circumstances (if ever) would you befriend someone without a 100% eidolon? I do not have a 100% eidolon, but miraculously managed to befriend a few who do, not sure how. Just wondering if there are any eidolons that are particularly in demand other than 100% eidolon. For example, I own behemoth and find her cleanse very useful for certain encounters so I put her on my support list, not sure if that will help attract anyone.
    I've all hundos/100% eidos except rudra and hanuman. Two of them are even MLB and I got like 10 people in my FL who doesn't have any hundos. My reason to add people are strictly if they are friends on discord or union mates. They get first priority then everyone else.
    But that's just how I do it tho

  10. #10
    tl;dr: When to focus on weaker rosters (to make them passable) vs stronger ones (to bypass having to use weaker rosters)?

    Wondering at what point I should stop caring about off-elements and just focus on select few. While not all of my comps have full SSR roster, the ones that don't mirror the ones that do (full water roster, no fire roster etc). Because of this, I started focusing a bit more on my weaker teams, so that I could always have element advantage, but some of my comps are just bad to the point where even if I SL everything to 20 not sure if it would matter for some of the harder content now. Can currently clear GO (the one that I'm assuming is ending now, Chrom - Dullahan one) and AQ5 with any element which I'm happy about, but feel like I'm hitting that plateau quickly while some of my better comps haven't been touched in a long while, as they haven't needed as much help. I really want to be able to solo all the elemental Ult raids however, and still can't for everything not fire or thunder, as my water and wind comps are by far the best and those fights are easier.

    Fire, Lightning, and Light don't have full SSR comps if that makes any difference. SSRs I have are Dakki, Prometheus, Brahma, Michael, and Arty. Thinking about heavily helping my fire comp for the upcoming wind tower, but honestly just feel like it would be better to go water/wind and at least clear everything >_<.

    Sorry that turned into a bigger rant than intended.

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