Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
tl;dr: When to focus on weaker rosters (to make them passable) vs stronger ones (to bypass having to use weaker rosters)?--
It is difficult to answer this as we don't know how generally powerful you are, what kinds of teams you have (just having SSRs is nowhere near as good as having the right SSRs), how long you've played (how many old UE weapons you have), etc. etc. etc.

In addition, people have different ways of playing.
Personally, I'd focus on your best element team (P2W Eidolon or a functional SSR team) until its Grid is PERFECTED (for a new player, this can mean something as simple as 9x MLB Disaster SR Assault weapons and one 0-Star Soul weapon, all at slvl20). It is good to have a go-to team for content that the on-element team might struggle with. After that's done, set your own goals on what to work next. Do you have a second team that is head and shoulders above ahead? Maybe perfect that one. Or just aim for the next Tower, or the next GO, or whatever else you fancy.