Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Doesn't matter. The Awakening priority doesn't change. Remember, not all Awakenings are equal - for some Hime, Awakening does very little and for some, it completely changes them.

You can choose to ignore Gaia for now of course, but the objective priority doesn't change.The encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox gives you a quick peek on all the upcoming SSRs. There doesn't seem to be limited editions for months, though they might decide to re-run previous limiteds.

And reminder that you shouldn't expect to find anything in Nutaku's Jewel gachas. The rate up is a lie. And nowadays the banners are only up for a couple of days before they swap to some old Hime campaigns, so you can't even farm the event for extra Jewels.
That may be true, but a team isn't defined by one character usually. Gaia AW does look amazing, but she's only one hime. Even if she handles the defense, the offense I have right now probably wouldn't be any more effective than with her unawakened. But I'll still keep that in mind.

Hmm, looks like exactly two months, with 5 events between now and summer. Should be able to get plenty of jewels between now and then so long as I don't fall to other temptations. But Lugh also comes immediately before summer, too...
And rate up is always a lie, no matter the gacha. Of course relying on free rolls is unlikely, but it's still something.