Quote Originally Posted by ChaoticShinra View Post
I've asked this before, but I don't remember getting an actual answer, but do you guys use the LB bricks right away, or wait till you have 3 to fully LB? Also while I know you should LB ones that has a good FLB, but what about ones that doesn't but should be getting one later? I have Ares's ax which has assault ++ and barrage when FLB as well as Mars's lance which has assault ++ and defender without FLB. I like the lance more but its FLB isn't out yet to my knowledge. Of the two, which would be better to use my brick on? Only have one brick at the moment.
It depends on the end game build for your Main team. For me I know that my Light team will be using a Phantom Lance grid and that Michael's, Tish's, and Lugh's lances are in that grid. I wouldn't brick Tish's lance until the FLB comes out, but I would brick Michael's lance as her FLB is out. If you don't have a clear straight path to your full team, the best advice is to save them until you do.

90% of the time, the best use of a brick is to save it for now...
