Quote Originally Posted by ChaoticShinra View Post
I've asked this before, but I don't remember getting an actual answer, but do you guys use the LB bricks right away, or wait till you have 3 to fully LB? Also while I know you should LB ones that has a good FLB, but what about ones that doesn't but should be getting one later? I have Ares's ax which has assault ++ and barrage when FLB as well as Mars's lance which has assault ++ and defender without FLB. I like the lance more but its FLB isn't out yet to my knowledge. Of the two, which would be better to use my brick on? Only have one brick at the moment.
It was answered... but eh. Save them until you have enough to FLB. You never know what kind of weapon you'll find in the meantime, after all.

Also, don't FLB crap like Ares' Axe. You want to get FLB stuff that gets triple-skill or double-Assault (that's Assault and Pride in the same weapon).