Quote Originally Posted by Aeriko View Post
Water Team
As a long-time fire main, recently over the past six months, I've come into a glut of SSR Water-types (my last 4 pulls). I was just wondering about possible team comps. Any help would be appreciated.

Main screen attack power ~50k
All Souls
Snow Raphael

Thanks again

I'd try and have Cthulu (soon to be awakened) and Asherah in there for sure. You can use both Ryu-Oh and Snow Raphael for a slow debuff heavy team or switch Snow Raphael out for Aphrodite (healing) for a fast bursty team. Order can be nearly anything as both Aphro and Ashe burst up the whole team. I'd go with Shingen as the soul and Encourage Inspiration for the EX.

Both Cthulu and Ryu-Oh need DATA and Affliction accessories, which are hard to get. I'd work towards the 5 slot tiaras for both of them and stick the two other slots with Affliction necklaces (what I normally see it on).
