Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I won't tell anyone to trying rolling for a rate up as "worth it", the only time I've ever done that was for TAphro and I still regret doing so (and I got 2 100% in the attempt), and she's a special limited top tier hime, which at the time, I thought there was no other chance to get (thought wrongly, mind you, since you can get her later with special mtix). The only thing I can tell you is FMammon isn't total garbage, but also, not top tier. The rest, you'll have to decide yourself. (Although if you're asking me honestly, if it's worth it? No, no it's not. If you really want her that bad, just mtix her, no one is gonna judge a waifu pick.)
I still think I should roll for dick, and miracle ticket for gameplay. And if I ticket for Fire I guess it would be Svarog. Is there anyone else I should think about?

I've rolled for dick a few times, most recently Valentine's Uzume. I did get her, but it cost two or three 10-rolls. Before that I tried for New Year's Konohana-Sakuya. Didn't get her but I got Dark Amaterasu, so I'd call that a win anyways.