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  1. #11
    I pulled Hastur the other week, and on the guaranteed SSR I got Cu Chulainn. So all of a sudden where I had 1 Wind SSR (Gaia AW) to go with that Hrasevelgr I pulled I now have 3. Guess I do need to start working on my Wind grid now... And my brother finally pulled a Hrae of his own, and Wind was his best team. That's great for him, his Winds might surpass my Lights now. It also helps me though since he's another source of double 100% eidos for my Winds.

    Speaking of Wind, I did waaaay better than I thought I would in the Tower. Managed to make it all the way to the top floor, though I ran out of keys when I got there. Got enough coins for an Argentum even before the ranking rewards, so I used it on my second Michael's Lance. While pulling for bikini Djehuti I also got another copy of Eros' bow too, so that'll help.
    I can seem to get back into the tower event to claim my ranking rewards though. Where is it?

    And one more question - I'm looking through my past events and seeing how much I haven't claimed, and I see in Mastema I have a bunch of currency. If I want to keep enough for FLB-ing the staff eventually I can get either 5 SSR grimoires or 2200 jewels, which would give me another 10-roll I could put towards trying for bikini Ashera, whom I really want.
    What would you say is more important - 5 apotheosis, or another shot at a hime you want badly?

    Edit: Nevermind, didn't realize Ashera was a freebie. Awesome, I can totally skip that banner, I think. But the question about which you'd go for between rolls or tomes still stands.
    Last edited by Argo; 07-06-2019 at 01:09 PM. Reason: I'm an idiot

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