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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, yeah unless if you have that aqua kaiser dragoon, then Nike has to be in front. That applies to someone who has elemental attack up to allies like Amon or another unleashed story kamis (wait, do Cybele and Baal has the effect?) This might be a suck strategy tho.. sorry T-T

    Herc ex skill? Well since PF can be handle by Asherah's but I somehow go to PF again. Hpw much Asherah's stacking btw, 20%/3T? In order to get to the max cap (500% right? Beyond that it's impossible, isn't it?) you should at least do like 25 times and it's like 75 turns right? So combining PF and her stack, you can burst easier.
    Asherah's buff is 20% Burst DMG per stack until she reaches level 75, at which point it becomes 30% per stack. Cooldown is always 3T.

    As I've personally experienced with my water team using Shingen, however, it's not a replacement for Provisional Forest's 200% Burst DMG (takes 21 turns at least to reach/exceed that, and you'll want to burst LONG before then). It DOES compliment it, however, and lets you easily hit closer to burst caps in the absence of Exceed (and even WITH Exceed). Regardless, though, you don't want to use PF with Hercules unless you KNOW you won't need that EX slot for anything else, since the EX slot is mainly meant to be used to cover whatever your team is lacking (ex: Trail by Jury/Ambush if you don't have A-frame ATK/DEF down, or BP if you can't outpace mode gauges).
    Last edited by ChronosNotashi; 07-08-2019 at 03:47 AM.

  2. #2

    New guy here, although I have been playing this game casually for a few months. Kinda stumbled through early content, and after I took a break for a few weeks I found this forum and realized: holy crap, there is a lot that this game offers, and it goes far deeper than I could have imagined.

    So a few questions as I rev back up to a decent pace for the game:

    (1) The newbie question: Would people recommend to focus solely on one element for team building, or can I spread out to 2 or 3? What elements, in each case? (I spent a fair bit early on so I can field a "decent" team for each element, but I am trying to cut back on the gacha a bit.)

    (2) The current money question: (a) Is Summer Sol worth chasing for, seeing as I have Brynhildr? Or should I wait for a regular pool SSR Fire healer?

    (3) A build question: What is priority in team building? I've seen people advocate for maxing out weapons, accessory slots, eidolons, etc. and I look at the sheer amount of work required for all that and think "this may be impossible for the amount of time I can put in," so some advice for progression is welcome.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by hyugaricdeau View Post
    (1) The newbie question: Would people recommend to focus solely on one element for team building, or can I spread out to 2 or 3? What elements, in each case? (I spent a fair bit early on so I can field a "decent" team for each element, but I am trying to cut back on the gacha a bit.)
    Focus on one element first, then focus on the element that is its opposite (fire/thunder, wind/water, light/dark). The reason is that it takes a lot of resources to get one element's weapons grid up, and a fully leveled weapons grid (slvl fodder being the bottleneck usually) deals much more dmg than an unleveled grid even when considering elemental advantages. Put differently, you'll have a much easier time clearing content with one strong team that is off-element than six mediocre teams on-element.

    Also, key to decent team is weapons and eidolons - a team with all SRs but fully upgraded disaster SR grid easily trounce an all SSR team with SR weapons all sitting at slvl 1. Good hime selection is important, but it acts more like a multiplier - if your base stats and assault values suck, a high multiplier isn't gonna save you.

    You want to focus on the opposite element next (or concurrently depending on events schedule) 'cos elemental disadvantage is difficult to overcome with just a well decked out grid (exceptions are light and dark, which suffer no elemental disadvantages.)

    When you get past the mid-game however (defined as around the time when you're clearing AQ5 in this context) you will want to start building out all 6 elements if you want to be competitive though (or if you're lazy like me, just upgrade the other elements whenever a tower event rolls around.)

    Just realized that you are also asking about which elements to main:

    This one is hard to answer without knowing what you already have. If you own any 100%+ eidolons, you should main that element. If not, go with the element where you have the 'core' himes (for fire it's Uriel and Svarog, light it's Michael and Tishtrya, though Sol is good, too, for dark, mmm, don't main dark unless you have Anubis, for other elements you will have to ask others, 'cos I don't keep up with developments outside of light himes.)

    (2) The current money question: (a) Is Summer Sol worth chasing for, seeing as I have Brynhildr? Or should I wait for a regular pool SSR Fire healer?
    Eh, does fire even have another healer? Closest one I can think of is Amaterasu, but her value is more dmg mitigation, the heal is just bonus. In any case, Summer Sol is NOT worth chasing for because:
    1. Fire teams are much better suited to hit hard and fast, so most ppl forgo heal once their grid is up to spec
    2. More importantly, you can easily sink thousands of dollars and not pull the specific character you want

    (3) A build question: What is priority in team building? I've seen people advocate for maxing out weapons, accessory slots, eidolons, etc. and I look at the sheer amount of work required for all that and think "this may be impossible for the amount of time I can put in," so some advice for progression is welcome.
    Do you have a full SR assault disaster grid yet? If not, that is your absolute first priority. As you farm disaster weapons, you'll get a lot of those SR disaster eidolons. Sell all of them and that will naturally put you in a position to buy whatever eidolons you need for your element from the eidolon shop. If you do events regularly, you should have sufficient eidolon enhance mats to upgrade all the eidolons without additional effort.

    Accessories are important, but weapons and eidolons come first (not to mention you probably can't even clear any AQ until you have a somewhat functional grid.)

    If you want to move from gacha-reliant to more f2p/dolphin territory, you need to do all the events, UE being probably the most important one as those give the best f2p weapons. Tower is also very important if you eventually want a good end-game grid without breaking the bank.

    tl;dr - focus on one element for now, don't buy gachas that don't guarantee anything (the SR guarantee doesn't count), do events to make a good weapons and eidolon grid.
    Last edited by dreamlitz; 07-08-2019 at 09:49 AM. Reason: Clarify what I meant by 'guarantee' for gachas; added pointers on which element to main

  4. #4
    Dark is fine if you have amon+samael combo. Haven't struggled with much content so far.

    By AQ5 you mean accessory quest? Also what is this SR disaster grid?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2017
    no one says dark is *not* fine... until you versus it against wind, or any *i'll middle-finger-ya, no-debufs-will-proc-ya* content

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    Dark is fine if you have amon+samael combo. Haven't struggled with much content so far.
    Dark SRs are actually pretty solid, and dark SSRs are definitely an upgrade to their SRs. The problem is that other elements have some pretty OP himes or have good synergy and dark just doesn't have much going for it in comparison:

    • Fire can dish out unrivaled dmg without relying on debuffs from himes like Uriel and Svarog - nothing in dark can even come close to their dmg output
    • Thunder doesn't have as many team-wide buffs but their individual buffs tend to be very strong and hits very hard and also have access to rare skills like paralyze if you paratrain for UE. With Dian Cecht, they also have heal covered now (thunder is by far my worst element btw, so my description probably doesn't do it justice; thunder mains, please correct me if I messed up)
    • Wind has lots of DATA and BG and Gaia AW is also there if you can't just overpower the enemies. Oh, and when Azazel's AW comes, she will literally turn the entire wind team into Azazel clones with all her buffs; one Azazel may seem kinda meh, but 5 Azazels that still have all the abilities of your standard wind team...
    • Light covers all utility skills, and also has insane synergy between its himes that allow it to burst at ridiculous speed and hit ridiculously hard
    • Even water, which no one seems particularly fond of has more DATA than dark and it has lots of utility skills that dark lacks

    Dark currently just feels slow and unremarkable compared to what others have and not a lot of excitement in the future - Thanatos gets an AW, which seems pretty decent and I think Osiris gets buffed later with a taunt that makes her more Berith-like, but still not the kinda brokenness we see with the other teams.

    Can you do well with a dark team? Yes, certainly, but if you've played another element before and try dark, it just feels kinda meh...

    We play what the gacha gives us though, so if you only have dark, use dark, it's still better than full SR team of another element. But if you have a choice, usually ppl migrate away from dark.

    By AQ5 you mean accessory quest? Also what is this SR disaster grid?
    Yes, AQ = Accessory Quest. The number denotes its lvl, 1 being the easiest, 5 being the hardest (until AQ6 and AQ7 arrive.)

    SR disaster weapons are the ones that drop from disaster raids - the ones that you spend AP to host and BP to join. Since you can host 3 new raids of every type everyday and the number of raids you can join is only limited by the amount of seeds you are willing to burn, it is a renewable source of SR weapons, so you can have full MLB SR weapons by just farming raids. Gacha luck not required at all.

    Also, I think it's important to stress that MLB SR weapons have better stats than LB0 and comparable/slightly better than LB1 SSR weapons. So unless you really need the skills from your single copy of SSR weapon (usually 'cos it has both assault and defender), you are much better off using MLB SR than LB0 SSR. Which is why standard beginner advice is to get a full grid of SR disaster weapons as it is completely free while having respectable strength.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Dark SRs are actually pretty solid, and dark SSRs are definitely an upgrade to their SRs. The problem is that other elements have some pretty OP himes or have good synergy and dark just doesn't have much going for it in comparison:
    I see, it'll probably become more noticeable later on then.
    In the meantime, I have ssr artemis, eros and raphael for light and a couple sr (like mithra) along with archangel idol. Dont have any dark idol besides delphyne and jack, would u recommend start building a light team with those?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    In the meantime, I have ssr artemis, eros and raphael for light and a couple sr (like mithra) along with archangel idol. Dont have any dark idol besides delphyne and jack, would u recommend start building a light team with those?
    Are you willing to spend an mtix or two? You don't have the core light SSRs (namely Michael and Tishtrya, and you don't have Sol either, who is a beginner favorite.) The three light SSRs you have are very good, but until you have at least Mike AW, you may not feel like light is much of an upgrade 'cos Amon U + Sammy is a pretty solid combo until you start doing wind raids, GO and tower where you'll run into debuff resistant stuff every now and then.

    I can go into a lot of details about the 3 SSRs you have, but the highlights are:

    • SSR Arty:
      • Frame A def down, decent firepower (outclasses most dark hime nukes but is outclassed by Lugh and upcoming Iris for light)
      • Beginner and AAB friendly and gets major buffs later
    • Eros:
      • Defensive buff specialist and deals with any game mechanics that Sol can't deal with (in particular, paralysis and ability seal)
      • Beginner and AAB friendly, but you need to manual her for maximal dmg mitigation, since her def up and barrier only lasts 3T
      • Gets AW next Feb that makes her a mini Mike AW
    • Raphy:
      • Stalling specialist - honestly, not that great until you awaken her 'cos the proc rate on her skills are kinda low, but once you awaken her, she's pretty awesome
      • She's the first hime with 4 skills - all geared towards delay (dizzy, BP, orb eat, mode gauge reduction + atk down.) Importantly, when she bursts, she gets a 2T affliction rate up that makes it much easier for her skills to land
      • Think of Raphy AW as Mordred on steroids, and she is a hime, so you can stick her in the last slot and not slow down the team burst, whereas if you bring Mordred to a fight, she'll probably be your burst bottleneck on a light team
      • Raphy AW is not as beginner friendly (long CD means planning required) and not AAB friendly (if you want her dizzy to land, it's best to cast it right after she bursts)
      • Also, pros don't usually use Raphy (just like how pros don't use Mordred), but if you're not yet pro, there's a lot to like about her (I'm not pro, so I use her in AQ5 in case my debuffs miss and I just need a couple more turns to get another FB ready)

    Archangel is ok, her active is situational. Using her as a main eidolon is good for beginners but not that great once you have a decent grid. If you can't LB her, it's better to switch to St. Nick or Barong from the eidolon shop 'cos you can MLB those for free and get much better stats.

    Also, if you do decide to main light, or at least keep your options open, make sure you get into a decent union ASAP!! Next UE is light, and it's coming later this week.

    tl;dr - you need to be willing to invest some time and ideally some money (or gacha luck) for your light team to get good and feel like an upgrade over your Amon U + Sammy combo.

    Btw, is your Amon U and Sammy at lvl 75+ yet? Amon U at lvl 75+ gives you mode gauge reduction and Sammy at lvl 75+ will let you hit the def down cap with just those two himes. You won't hit def down cap with your current light line-up until you unlock both D'Art and Hercules (and you need Hercules' axe at at least LB1.) I still think light is a better choice in the long run but I'm known to be biased towards light, so... I think in your case, it might take longer than usual to appreciate light's versatility.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    Dark is fine if you have amon+samael combo. Haven't struggled with much content so far.

    By AQ5 you mean accessory quest? Also what is this SR disaster grid?

    Couple of minor points to Dreamlitz's excellent advice. Concentrate on trying to MLB (max limit break) Eidolons from the events (but not Union Eidolons). This is your largest base amount of attack you can get at the start of the game. You only need an Eidolon of your team's element in the main slot, but all secondary slots should be for the highest attack Eidolon you can field. All Eidolon's stats are added directly to each Hime so they are your starting team's biggest boost.

    The other thing to also do is farm all raids you can (of every element). There are 3 of each color per day. If you have very weak grids, save all SRs (even defender) and level them to get a full grid of level 20 weapons. Even an sklvl 20 defender will help when you start out. You can replace them with assault weapons down the road and they can be foddered to upgrade other weapons as you transition to full assault and then full SSR assault.


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well, yeah unless if you have that aqua kaiser dragoon, then Nike has to be in front. That applies to someone who has elemental attack up to allies like Amon or another unleashed story kamis (wait, do Cybele and Baal has the effect?) This might be a suck strategy tho.. sorry T-T
    Not sure if I follow this. What does kaiser have to do with hime ordering? Usually you order himes by speed to optimize time to burst, but if I'm not mistaken, all the himes in consideration here are pretty much the same speed (exception is water Cybele, depends on whether you cleanse her debuff.) In that case, I usually order by AAB consideration, which is you want all the buffers up front and as many red abilities towards the rear as possible to maximize dmg output. So yes, you would want buffers like Nike in front of Ryu-Oh who has all red abilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChronosNotashi View Post
    Regardless, though, you don't want to use PF with Hercules unless you KNOW you won't need that EX slot for anything else, since the EX slot is mainly meant to be used to cover whatever your team is lacking (ex: Trail by Jury/Ambush if you don't have A-frame ATK/DEF down, or BP if you can't outpace mode gauges).
    Ryu-Oh covers all three of those already and water Cybele covers frame B debuffs, so Ex PF is perfectly reasonable here. Just make sure you get Herc's axe, PF is hard to pull off otherwise. If you LB the axe, you can also hit the def down cap upon burst with that water team.

    Another possibility for Ex is the skill that blocks an affliction (forgot its name) - normally it's a very bad skill to use as it's single target only, but since you pretty much have everything covered here, having the block up on water Cybele before using her 3rd skill can make her a burst leader instead of in the back row.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I know it's not KH building team section but... welp

    So my dark has 3 SSR: Amon, Hades (unawakened cuz i'm broke thanks to Metatron) and Agaliarept.
    SR: Paimon, Manes, Proserpina, Lu Bu, Bastet, Keifa, Nyarlatothep, Cernunnos, Rangda, Meretseger, Beelzebub, Eligos, Pale Rider and Ereshkigar.
    Meanwhile my R: Kushinada, Ratri, Mokosh, Neith, Mephistopheles, Ceres, Astaroth, Apep and Naberius.

    If I using souls like Arthur/Shingen/Morgan and Sol as my healing machine, then could you arrange the best KH arrangement for my dark team?
    You can't build a 'best' team without knowing what you're up against. Also, are those your only legendary souls? It's unusual to have unlocked Shingen and Morgan without having unlocking most of the other souls already. Here a few things to consider:

    • It looks like you have no one with frame B debuffs, so if you're going against stuff that can be debuffed, you probably want to Ex Sniper Shot, since you have neither Samael or Satan AW to pair with Amon U to hit the def down cap
    • You have enough himes such that dropping Sol probably makes sense (unless your Sol is AW? but even then...) If you can't just run something over with FB, you might want to consider using Manes for heal or just block the dmg with Cernunnos instead so your entire team can make use of dark weapon skills (I'm assuming you're running a dark weapons grid and not a rainbow grid or something)
    • Morgan is not a good match for what you have here, not enough DATA to make rampaging better than bursting with Shingen

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