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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    What kind of stats should I be trying to hit for ult raids or AQ5 stuff. Trying to get to the point where I dont get 1 shot by them.
    As Slashley mentioned, ult raids vary widely by elements. Also, it's not as simple as getting a certain level of stats. Soul and hime selection makes a huge difference in countering specific boss mechanics (simplest example is you don't bring a debuff team to wind ult.)

    If you don't want to get one-shot, technically all you need is hp and heal (well, a lot of ascension with your heals.) Realistically though, it is generally not possible to out-heal ult bosses unless a lot of Andromedas join the raid, so you should be thinking more along the lines of how to deliver maximum dmg before your team starts falling apart. For initial hp level, I would say 10k in-battle is a good starting point to aim for. That allows you to survive most OD so you can react if RNG is being mean to you.

    As Slashley mentioned, if there're specific ults you are struggling with, ask away, they're all pretty different.

    For AQ5, you don't actually need to survive that nuke to beat it. As long as your two subs can finish off the boss after the main team wipes, it's still victory. This isn't tower or GO where you need everyone surviving. That's how I've been able to AAB AQ5 - my main team wipes about a third to half the time 'cos I'm still weak (and AAB is stupid), but my two subs can finish off the job (actually just one sub is needed - Takeminakata is my answer to most of my problems these days; the other sub is more for insurance.)

    If you really want a hard number for reference, I'm currently at ~57k power and recently started being able to AAB AQ5 and all ults except dark (ironic since I main light; also solo-AAB-ing ults isn't 100% success as I rely heavily on debuffs.) No 100% eidolon, but I do have LB3 Hecatonchires (55% char atk and 20% hp) and enough fluffy friends that I can usually get fluffy as support. Importantly though, I own about two-thirds of all the non-limited light SSRs, which gives me A LOT of tactical options.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyrelia View Post
    Any advice on how to spend tower medals? I have 4100 from the last event and I'm debating whether to save up for the SSR accessories, buy SP so I can get D'art and Yukimura or just randomly blow them on gacha tickets or MJ.
    Listen to Kitty and Slashley and only spend tower medals on bricks please (tickets if you're a gambler.)

    The only instance where it might make sense to use medals for HSP is if because of real life constraints you cannot participate in any UE or you're like a stone throw away from unlocking Shingen.

  2. #2
    I see. If I'm being specific then, my problems are light and dark ult since they're what I need to farm to improve my teams. I think obviously I'm not gonna be doing much as only rank 54, but I'd at least like to survive longer to contribute more.
    Light boss does that skill when raging where she 1 shots a char every turn or every other turn (~13k+ dmg). Lowest I've been able to bring it was probably 9k with pluto dmg cut, but my whole team is around 6-6.5k hp a piece.

    Dark is even worse with the dots, I end up losing around 1200 hp a turn then she does that aoe 5k+ skill. I'm not sure how to combat all the debuffs she drops as she just strips the whole team of any affliction res/nullify anyway.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    I see. If I'm being specific then, my problems are light and dark ult since they're what I need to farm to improve my teams. I think obviously I'm not gonna be doing much as only rank 54, but I'd at least like to survive longer to contribute more.
    Light boss does that skill when raging where she 1 shots a char every turn or every other turn (~13k+ dmg). Lowest I've been able to bring it was probably 9k with pluto dmg cut, but my whole team is around 6-6.5k hp a piece.

    Dark is even worse with the dots, I end up losing around 1200 hp a turn then she does that aoe 5k+ skill. I'm not sure how to combat all the debuffs she drops as she just strips the whole team of any affliction res/nullify anyway.
    Dark ulti is the hardest one, I AABed it solo only once 2 days ago and I can't understand, how I did it (Shingen, Cybele u, Frigg, Aether, Arianrod + Rami, Jihuti in reserve). But you don't need to kill the boss completely by yourself - just 51% hp for maximum rewards. It's ok, when you suffer a lot on this raid. And there is a way to survive triggers - Joan with flag (60% damage cut)or wait for t4 soul that has 60% cut with no relic weapon needed or you may use Gaya AW if you have her. If you can't guarantee MVP - it's still ok, host reward is fine too, especialy after buff (somewhere around anniversary). The best way for light ulti - do as much damage to hit 51+% before those oneshots will kill your team, then make raid public. Or if you're too weak - make it public at once. Best team for dark ulti is 2 damagers, Sol, Mike. So you just need to farm for better weapons/eydo/hime. Once at least 1 your grid will be completed (full sl20+ assault weapons, good lvl 100 eydos, soul weapon etc), things should be much easier. If you gonna try rag raids - you need to know mechanics and make a team for each boss separately with heals/damage cuts/buffs etc.

    And about aq5 - forget about it for a while, AQ4 guarantees 1 ssr in drop. Strategy - kill boss before trigger (bp, orb drains if needed) or maybe 60% damage cut will help.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    I see. If I'm being specific then, my problems are light and dark ult since they're what I need to farm to improve my teams. I think obviously I'm not gonna be doing much as only rank 54, but I'd at least like to survive longer to contribute more.
    Light boss does that skill when raging where she 1 shots a char every turn or every other turn (~13k+ dmg). Lowest I've been able to bring it was probably 9k with pluto dmg cut, but my whole team is around 6-6.5k hp a piece.

    Dark is even worse with the dots, I end up losing around 1200 hp a turn then she does that aoe 5k+ skill. I'm not sure how to combat all the debuffs she drops as she just strips the whole team of any affliction res/nullify anyway.
    With your current hp level, your best bet is to go in during BT with FB then hope for the best. If you join a light ult before it's at half health, running Joan as soul actually allows you to survive normal OD if you have additional atk down even at that hp level (I used to run Joan, Tish and Sol with ~7k health and can nibble it slowly down to half health before my party completely falls apart from the death beams.)

    The best way I find to deal with light ult is to hold your FB when it's close to half health, and FB as soon as it rages. Re-send support requests at that point and just hope a lot of ppl join and everyone just throw a FB at it (or pray that a vet joins - if you're in an active union, see if you can coordinate with them.)

    If you have Berith, Joan Ex Saint Breath or Andromeda Ex Fortitude, or Atum auto revive (there might be others, too, but those are the ones I know of), those all help you survive another death beam. But you can't really turtle it out after it rages, so just bring your best spike dmg build.

    Another strategy if you know multiple players with Amon U and/or Archangel, you can actually try to stun the light ult. You want to use all the mode gauge reduction skills first then FB AFTER that - if you FB before, you waste a lot of the reduction 'cos it's a % of remaining bar. Once stunned, it's not gonna rage again before it dies, and non-raging light ult actually isn't all that difficult.

    For dark ult, it's another one that you can't realistically turtle out unless your hp is very very high (the DoT all have caps, so very high health helps a lot.) Best strategy for your current power level again is to FB during BT and hope for the best.

    After FB, either try to die as quickly as possible so that the boss regen doesn't erase all your dmg, or the safer option is to bring Naberius (dark R from gem gacha, you will draw her eventually) and use her zombie to turn the boss regen into a DoT. This is raid-wide, so it really helps when you have a bunch of new players who don't know they're healing the boss just by taking turns and doing puny dmg.

    If you're going the Naberius route, your goal is to stall as long as possible and let the regen DoT nibble down the boss, so bring as much heal and cleanse as you can get your hands on (EDIT: make sure you have a way to cleanse the zombie off yourself before you start healing!!!) I would use Mordred Ex her orb eat skill if you have it since that is the best way to stall. Also, do NOT use any buffs on the first turn - dark ult casts overheated on you during the first turn, which is considered a buff and therefore cannot be cleansed. However, one of her move also cleanses your buffs, and will actually cleanse the overheated if you don't have other buffs in front of it.

    At your hp, you can't realistically survive the OD with all the DoT on top though, so you just kinda have to throw bodies at it if no vets join your raid.

    Others may have other tips, but those are the ones I know of for your power level. Hope that helps.


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Dark ulti is the hardest one, I AABed it solo only once 2 days ago and I can't understand, how I did it
    There's a lot of RNG involved with the charm and blind - it's possible that it never procs, in which case you can keep whacking at it, or it procs 100% and you do no dmg AND you're not building up burst. Having self burst gen like Shingen, Aether and Arianrod in your case probably helped a lot.

    or wait for t4 soul that has 60% cut with no relic weapon needed
    I thought those come out like 8 months or so from now? And to get T4 souls, you need a maxed out soul weapon AND 150 regalia of every type, kinda a catch 22 if you can't beat all the ults first...
    Last edited by dreamlitz; 07-11-2019 at 09:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    With your current hp level, your best bet is to go in during BT with FB then hope for the best. If you join a light ult before it's at half health, running Joan as soul actually allows you to survive normal OD if you have additional atk down even at that hp level (I used to run Joan, Tish and Sol with ~7k health and can nibble it slowly down to half health before my party completely falls apart from the death beams.)


    I thought those come out like 8 months or so from now? And to get T4 souls, you need a maxed out soul weapon AND 150 regalia of every type, kinda a catch 22 if you can't beat all the ults first...
    150 regalias + soul weapon are not the worst problems in t4 soul recruit. 500 pages is complete disaster. They drop in 90/100 lvl raids with not so high chance. Regalia and t3/t4 crystal drop was greatly improved + ulti raids are 30 ap/3 bp now. For example 1-2 regalia +5-8 pieces is normal if you host + MVP. And you need 50 items from 90 raid + 50 items from 100 raid at final step of quest, but pages are much more painfull.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
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    there's also a very low chance to get the full book drop (100 pages exchange book) from the phantom raid, which is a lot more rare than getting SSR wep drops on raids...
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  7. #7
    Alright thnx for the advice m8s. Just got mordred so I'll start working towards joan next.

    That naberius zombie thing sounds pretty interesting though lol. Might try it...

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    150 regalias + soul weapon are not the worst problems in t4 soul recruit. 500 pages is complete disaster. They drop in 90/100 lvl raids with not so high chance. Regalia and t3/t4 crystal drop was greatly improved + ulti raids are 30 ap/3 bp now. For example 1-2 regalia +5-8 pieces is normal if you host + MVP. And you need 50 items from 90 raid + 50 items from 100 raid at final step of quest, but pages are much more painfull.
    False. Pages are least of your problem. You can easily get 500 pages a month just by hosting your daily Och +leeching a couple more. You only need to pick up 17 pages a day which doesn't even require any effort if you're just going by your daily raid grind. You are limited to 5 books per month from exchange shop anyway, so no point rushing. Sure you can get a full book drop (as host only) from Och herself but that's as rare as rolling a 100% from gacha. Are you really gonna count on that?

    The most annoying grind for T4 is gonna be for fangs and large cores. Why? Because those goddamn monkeys removed them from gemcha AND nerfed the fang drop rate in SP caves (swapped their drop rate with the Stars). You need 150 fangs from *each* and *every* element, and an additional 150 for the element you choose for your weapon. And then 250 large raid cores for, again, each and every element, which also happen to be the very mat you need to burn for hosting ULs in order to gather Regalias for both the T4 requirement and hosting Guardians (for *different other* T4 mats). You're in for a crap ton of grinding SP caves and ST/EX/UL raids if you wanna keep up the monthly pace. Endless. Grinding.

    P.S. You also need 3k orbs per T4. Better start farming those ST/EX Disasters for orbs. You need 30k total. Oh and I hope you've already cleared out your Kaiser stocks.
    P.S.2 Don't waste your Advent Cores on shards anymore. Save those too.
    P.S.3 Are you stronk enough to carry? No? Well you better save a bunch of silver books too. Cuz only Och host/MVP/Vice got a chance to get Silver/Gold books for drops. You need 50 Silver books per T4.

    Happy Grinding.
    Last edited by Bear; 07-11-2019 at 11:49 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    False. Pages are least of your problem. You can easily get 500 pages a month just by hosting your daily Och +leeching a couple more. You only need to pick up 17 pages a day which doesn't even require any effort if you're just going by your daily raid grind. You are limited to 5 books per month from exchange shop anyway, so no point rushing. Sure you can get a full book drop (as host only) from Och herself but that's as rare as rolling a 100% from gacha. Are you really gonna count on that?

    The most annoying grind for T4 is gonna be for fangs and large cores. Why? Because those goddamn monkeys removed them from gemcha AND nerfed the fang drop rate in SP caves (swapped their drop rate with the Stars). You need 150 fangs from *each* and *every* element, and an additional 150 for the element you choose for your weapon. And then 250 large raid cores for, again, each and every element, which also happen to be the very mat you need to burn for hosting ULs in order to gather Regalias for both the T4 requirement and hosting Guardians (for *different other* T4 mats). You're in for a crap ton of grinding SP caves and ST/EX/UL raids if you wanna keep up the monthly pace. Endless. Grinding.

    P.S. You also need 3k orbs per T4. Better start farming those ST/EX Disasters for orbs. You need 30k total. Oh and I hope you've already cleared out your Kaiser stocks.
    P.S.2 Don't waste your Advent Cores on shards anymore. Save those too.
    P.S.3 Are you stronk enough to carry? No? Well you better save a bunch of silver books too. Cuz only Och host/MVP/Vice got a chance to get Silver/Gold books for drops. You need 50 Silver books per T4.

    Happy Grinding.
    So, to take full advantage of the foresight Bear has given us, we should start stockpiling fangs next time we get the 1/2 AP off SP thing?

    I already do all 18 standard raids daily, but was doing it primarily for SL fodder. As soon as the AP/BP requirements for raids drop, guess we should start farming all expert raids, too.

    Btw, does HE drop rates increase with the revamped gem gacha? I foresee HE being a bottleneck if I try to host that many raids a day and still have to do SP caves on top of that, not to mention regular advent and raid event overfarm...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Btw, does HE drop rates increase with the revamped gem gacha? I foresee HE being a bottleneck if I try to host that many raids a day and still have to do SP caves on top of that, not to mention regular advent and raid event overfarm...

    Pots and Seeds are worthless. Cuz they rain. In Cats/Guardians.

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