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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    False. Pages are least of your problem. You can easily get 500 pages a month just by hosting your daily Och +leeching a couple more. You only need to pick up 17 pages a day which doesn't even require any effort if you're just going by your daily raid grind. You are limited to 5 books per month from exchange shop anyway, so no point rushing. Sure you can get a full book drop (as host only) from Och herself but that's as rare as rolling a 100% from gacha. Are you really gonna count on that?

    The most annoying grind for T4 is gonna be for fangs and large cores. Why? Because those goddamn monkeys removed them from gemcha AND nerfed the fang drop rate in SP caves (swapped their drop rate with the Stars). You need 150 fangs from *each* and *every* element, and an additional 150 for the element you choose for your weapon. And then 250 large raid cores for, again, each and every element, which also happen to be the very mat you need to burn for hosting ULs in order to gather Regalias for both the T4 requirement and hosting Guardians (for *different other* T4 mats). You're in for a crap ton of grinding SP caves and ST/EX/UL raids if you wanna keep up the monthly pace. Endless. Grinding.

    P.S. You also need 3k orbs per T4. Better start farming those ST/EX Disasters for orbs. You need 30k total. Oh and I hope you've already cleared out your Kaiser stocks.
    P.S.2 Don't waste your Advent Cores on shards anymore. Save those too.
    P.S.3 Are you stronk enough to carry? No? Well you better save a bunch of silver books too. Cuz only Och host/MVP/Vice got a chance to get Silver/Gold books for drops. You need 50 Silver books per T4.

    Happy Grinding.
    So, to take full advantage of the foresight Bear has given us, we should start stockpiling fangs next time we get the 1/2 AP off SP thing?

    I already do all 18 standard raids daily, but was doing it primarily for SL fodder. As soon as the AP/BP requirements for raids drop, guess we should start farming all expert raids, too.

    Btw, does HE drop rates increase with the revamped gem gacha? I foresee HE being a bottleneck if I try to host that many raids a day and still have to do SP caves on top of that, not to mention regular advent and raid event overfarm...

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    Btw, does HE drop rates increase with the revamped gem gacha? I foresee HE being a bottleneck if I try to host that many raids a day and still have to do SP caves on top of that, not to mention regular advent and raid event overfarm...

    Pots and Seeds are worthless. Cuz they rain. In Cats/Guardians.

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