Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
How is an outside script, that gives you an ingame advantage, not a form of cheating...?
because it's just auto clicking some buttons, doing basic things that you could do yourself if you had the time. kind of similar of having someone else do it for you... i see what you mean tho, i only got it from another player and found it a little helpful while i'm not able to play.

you never saw, doesn't mean he hasn't used any other forms of cheating. I really doubt it's as simple as they say. there's something a lot bigger to it but doesn't really matter. as long as they're not f2p, they won't get banned for cheating.
pretty sure their cheats are similar to the old shiachan ones, but no one really knows aside from the cheaters themselves.

can't really judge too much. ahk is nothing compared to the shit they use, tho