Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Light doesn’t have a good enough damage cut for one. Have you ever tried using light in TRag and observe how easily they explode? Thunder and wind have options to cover that where light doesn’t.
What does Thunder have, outside of Raiko's -30% (or Athena against Water)? Because I don't think that -30% is going to do much against something like a loose Thunder Rag.

And what does Wind have, outside of exactly one Hime - Gaia? Yeah, Gaia will buy you two turns against Thunder Rag by herself. But it's one turn against anything that doesn't do single turn.
Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Does light have absurd orb eating like water does?
Is there any point to this? As much as I entertain the thought of Mordred/Cthulhu/Snow Raph/Dagon/someone team, even at 100% success rate you won't be reaching Overdrive immunity.
Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Or does it have the team dmg buffing capabilities of Azzy or TPhro Marduk?
Light Nike!

I think the real question is - DOES Light even need such team dmg buffing when they already have such insane DPS machines?
Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Those are the questions, while I’ve already proven that dmg wise other elements compare. And in cases, even outdamage.
Sure, there are niches where other elements can surpass Light. So what? That's not the point. The point, you have to go LOOK for those niches because Light overall excels in Hime quality.

Make a list of bad SSR Hime. How many of those are Light? What % of each element's Hime are just awful? You should notice that Light excels far above the others in this regard. And this makes Light easy to main. Which was the question here, now wasn't it?