Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
Oh, actually, if you have Osiris, don't get Paimon - Osiris just does that job much better.

The 'fast' dark SSRs are Thanatos and Satan (Thanatos is actually fast, Satan needs AW.) If you don't have those, it's hard to put together a 'fast' dark team ('fast' in quotation 'cos it's slow compared to the meta teams in other elements, but still faster than your regular SR teams.)

Volos is one that I would recommend if you want some DATA. She is also a rage punisher and has the added benefit of having a +5% hp team-wide passive, so when you get better himes and want to retire her, she is still valuable as a sub.

It sounds like you need a burst leader and not team-wide DATA though, in which case Manes is probably the only option. Manes works well if you EX revive on your soul. A little tricky to use well though.
Also looked at her too but didn't really see her doing much.
To give you some background info my current team is:
Herc, amon unleashed, pluto, osiris, samael main. Back is dark diana and proserpina.
Thinking to maybe push osiris to the back and drop diana since rn, besides ult raid farming I find myself not really needing a healer to kill before I die. Hence why looking for more DATA to get a burst or 2 off before someone dies and osiris jumps in.