Been a while since I posted here.
Anyway, a couple months ago my winds were easily my worst team. Still kind of are, since I hadn't invested into their weapons at all. But all of a sudden I find myself swarmed with Winds, as I've gotten Hraesvelgr, Hastur, Cu Chulainn, Titania, and just now Odin, all in a relatively short timeframe. Plus the Gaia AW I've had as my only Wind SSR for a long time. So I definitely need to build my Winds now, since thanks to the 100% Eido they've got a higher potential ceiling than most of my other teams. Weapons will still suck for a while, but I can get started.

Two questions.
1. With Cu, Titania, and Odin all having Awakenings, what's the order I should awaken them in? Who's most valuable?
2. Are they a good team, Gaia included? How should I arrange them on a team, and what SRs should I also consider for slots?