Quote Originally Posted by Makenshi View Post
Do they ever do random SSR Eidolon guarantees?
Yes, resets at the same time as SSR Kamihime Guaranteed. Same price too, 30 bucks.

Please note that you don't want to buy those. Gacha Eidolons are FUCKING AWFUL until you get them to 1, preferably 2+ Stars. Until then, Event Eidolons are just better. Since there are 15 SSR Eidolons in the gacha, your chances to find *the same one twice or three times* is FUCKING AWFUL. So, unless you whale a lot, and I mean A LOT, guaranteed SSR Eidolons are a giant waste of your money.

And on a side note, there are 16 actually good Eidolons in there too (Kaisers and 100%+ Eidolons), but your chances at these are BASICALLY NOTHING. YOU WILL NOT GET THEM. DO NOT GET FOOLED. Just because there are a total of 31 SSR Eidolons in there does NOT give you 16/31 chances. It's weighted so that you have more like 1/100 chance of those good ones. So, again, forget guaranteed SSR Eidolon gachas.