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  1. #1
    Only 3 Accessory Quests can be completed each day, so 3 guaranteed SSR.

  2. #2
    Do you guys use dupe hime weps to LB each other or no?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    Do you guys use dupe hime weps to LB each other or no?

    If I were to find something with absolutely insane FLBs such as Marduk Hammer or Mammon Gun (both are triple skills with all three being amazing), no. I'd rather have two weapons to brick. Like, I have two SSR Cybele Glaives sitting in my inventory. I doubt I'll ever brick either, but just in case I pull a Hraes/Hanuman and need to go full Wind baka.

    SSR Hime weapons that are just trash - like Defender weapons that do NOT become Defender/Assault on FLB - I just fodder up.

    Everything else, like stuff that is already Assault(+)/HP and becomes Assault(++)/HP with FLB? Yes, I just combine them.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    Do you guys use dupe hime weps to LB each other or no?
    If it's a good weapon, it's better to have multiple copies and brick them in the long-run.

    If it's an ok weapon that you currently use, then maybe - I LB my light Tsuku bow when I got a dupe 'cos I currently use it to boost my hp without sacrificing too much assault. I have no intention of bricking it 'cos it's not worthy of bricking, but the extra stats are useful until I can find a replacement.

    If it's a bad weapon, technically you should fodder it, but I usually just leave mine in gift box in case I ever try to build a phantom grid and am one weapon short or something like that.



    2nd EDIT:
    One thing worth pointing out - weapon FLBs often come out some time after the hime came out, so it is best to check the JP wiki to see if the weapon will get a good FLB in the future.
    Last edited by dreamlitz; 09-11-2019 at 09:45 AM.

  5. #5
    Ok, so if it gets triple skills or more, keep dupes...if not not much of an issue?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    Ok, so if it gets triple skills or more, keep dupes...if not not much of an issue?
    Hime weapons with both assault and pride skills should also be kept separate.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Nik View Post
    Ok, so if it gets triple skills or more, keep dupes...if not not much of an issue?
    It's a little more nuanced than that, since not all skills are equal in value, and some skills are heavily influenced by its skill size while others are not. Here is a very very rough approach I use for quick screening (and I'm sure ppl will disagree, but whatever, I will shoot my own rules down in this post anyway):

    • For every assault or pride, count that as 1.5 skills
    • Exceed counts as 1 skill
    • Defender counts as 1 skill if the weapon also has assault or pride, count as 0 skill otherwise
    • Vigoras counts as 1 skill if the weapon also has assault or pride, count as 0 skill otherwise
    • Rush and barrage count as 0.5 skill each if they are size (+) or better, 0 skill otherwise
    • Ascension counts as 1 skill if you use healers, 0 otherwise
    • Stinger and elaborate count as 0 skill

    If the sum of the above rules give you 3 or greater, it is worth keeping the dupes.

    Now, in practice, it's not nearly as simple as that. Let me walk you through some light hime weapons to illustrate why all those rules can be broken depending on your situation:

    • Mike lance, on FLB it becomes assault (++), defender (+) - only two skills and only add up to 2.5 skills using my rule above, so, trash right? That would be a mistake - there are no event FLB light lances to date, not even on DMM, so if you want a light lance grid, Mike's lance is proabbly the 2nd best lance there is (1st is Tish lance - assault (+), exceed (+), ascension ())
    • Longinus lance (from draonic eye shop), on FLB it becomes assault (++), rush (+) - worth only 2 skills, worse than Mike's lance. Again, due to lack of good light lances, Longinus is often used for light lance grids 'cos if you've been playing for a while, it's actually feasible to spend 15 draconic eyes to get one of these - your alternatives are spending a mtix for a dupe weapon or whale hard for Tish and Mike lances
    • Atum axe, on FLB it becomes defender (++), assault (), ascension () - worth 3.5 skills if I use healer, so keep the dupe right? Well, it's not a bad axe, but if you've been playing for a long time, you may have 3 UE axes after the next phantom UE. Add in Herc's axe, you have your 5 axes for axe grid already. Axe grid isn't exactly meta for light 'cos only Atum is an axe user and she's not an offensive hime (lance and glaive grids are popular 'cos most offensive light himes use lance or glaives.) Also, if you go full glass cannon and drop your healer, the axe is not as valuable, so the dupe may or may not be all that useful depending on what else you have and your play style.
    • Metatron hammer, on FLB it becomes defender (++), exceed (+) - worth 1 point, fodder material right? Again, that would be a mistake. Her hammer refunds you 20 BG on burst, which is very valuable for light teams. This is why some ppl apparently use Metatron hammer on Hektor (T4 Sieg). The improved burst speed offsets the lack of assault on the weapon. For this use, you actually don't need to keep the dupe, just LB it - my point is just don't fodder it.

    So, as you can see, there're situations to break pretty much any rules I can come up with.

    tl;dr - just keep the dupes if you're not sure.
    Last edited by dreamlitz; 09-11-2019 at 12:34 PM.

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