Quote Originally Posted by Skyryder23 View Post
Need help retooling my teams. In bold are the current members of my team. Want to retool teams for solo events/rags. Any help would be appreciated!

Fire SSRs: Amaterasu, Acala, Uriel, Dakki, Svarog, Ares, Prometheus
Water SSRs: Shiva, Nike U, Cthulu, Ea, Saraswati, Ashera, Neptune, Vohu
Wind SSRs: Azazel, Gaia AW, Cybele U, Titania AW, Cu Chulain AW, Set, Arianrod, Wind Nepthys, El
Thunder SSRs: Raiko, Brahma, Tyr AW, Jupiter, Athena, Mammon, Thunder Ryu-Oh, Baal U
Dark: Amon U, Dark Amat, Osiris, Hades AW, Satan AW, Pluto, Berith, Kali
Light: Aphrodite, Sol AW, Michael AW, Metatron AW, Atum, Tish, Frey
Tyr AW is amazing. Far better than Athena, so keep her.
No need for DAma since you have Amon U and Satan aside from the BP. Replace Hades for Berith 100% and (if) you don't need a healer, Osiris for Pluto.
Light is fine how it is. Frey's good, but her CD(s) are too long. Wait until you find Iris or Lugh to change it up.

Wind will get Azazel AW soon enough, once that happens, replace Gaia AW for her maybe. Set can also take anyone's place if you need a healer or cleanser. Depends on what you're tackling.
Fire is fine how it is. Uriel and Svarog are obvious keepers in the main team, but Daji/Prometheus are good stand ins. Ares is nice when AW, but not worth doing it (yet) if you lack eyes.
Water is fine, (I'm assuming) you have water Aphro since you marked her as light, replace Nike U for Aphrodite and awaken Shiva ASAP, since she's a better and faster version of Asherah. Replace Asherah for Cthulhu so you still have -50% DEF/ATK debuff + orb eat.