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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Is Mammon's skill Snatch good for farming? Like I know at something like 9 stacks or something there is a 60% chance for an extra box to drop.

    I want to know realistically, over time, is it worth using on thunder team just to farm even if you could use a different hime (like aw Brahma) to do more damage.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon View Post
    -- Like I know at something like 9 stacks or something there is a 60% chance for an extra box to drop.
    Source? I don't think anyone has any idea how exactly Snatch works.

    Mammon won't be a good Snatcher since she doesn't have Dartagnan's increased chance of Snatch success. Hell, no Hime does. So going past like 3-5 Snatch stacks is really difficult. Just use Dartagnan if you want Snatch stacks - there's even an EX skill for more Snatch now.

    Personally, I don't bother - for farming content I just run Solomon with Desertion (since it is AoE damage), double Vlads and 30% Drop Rate+ from Accessories. I think that it works for Gold boxes in Advents since I don't think I can ever get less than 4 Gold drops per fight, but elsewhere, I honestly don't know if there is any difference.

  3. #3
    d'art with her new mex and attack soul weapon + mammon + skuld +anzu/vlad
    the dream treasure hunting supreme team

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Bedevil View Post
    d'art with her new mex and attack soul weapon + mammon + skuld +anzu/vlad
    the dream treasure hunting supreme team
    Ok, I see, I can try that if I want to go full treasure hunting then.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Just for the record, Dark also has Selene who has the same 3x Snatch skill, but she's a bit slower with it since it is 4 turns. Like all Hime, her ability to go past 3-5 stacks is really poor. Selene however, has a guaranteed Snatch stack upon burst, so while Dart can usually get to 7-8 stacks relatively easily, Selene is the only unit in the game who is guaranteed able to hit 9.

    But again, allow me to remind you that we don't know how useful Snatch is. Is it better to run Snatch, or Drop Rate+ Accessories? We have no idea. Does one of them work? Do both of them work? ... does neither of them work? We just don't know.

  6. #6
    Hello new player here, are Anubis with Susanoo, and paimon (sr) and dagon (sr) good? No other ssr eidolon or kamihime. I heard Dark and thunder not very good for newbie though. What should i get from sr miracle ticket and which soul should i focus first? What are dagon reduce charge turn and mode gauge reduction up means? Thank you.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2017
    dark is okay. ppl who are telling "dark is no good" are whales, that want to be on top

  8. #8
    What is the guaranteed-bonus breakdown for 120% eidolon?

  9. #9
    Dark is okay but it becomes noticeably worse as you progress. Former dark main who switched to thunder and it's worked far better than dark ever did. Dark just has so much shit that doesn't synergize, and so many himes who don't do enough...also some of the worst cooldown times/durations in the game come from dark mvps as opposed to any other element. Eg, samael (8cd 120s td def down), pluto (8cd 2 td dmg cut/atk boost). And dark is slow compared to most other elements because they lack data up abilities, you could always unlock their slots with magnas, but that means farming rags and you're new.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Source? I don't think anyone has any idea how exactly Snatch works.

    Mammon won't be a good Snatcher since she doesn't have Dartagnan's increased chance of Snatch success. Hell, no Hime does. So going past like 3-5 Snatch stacks is really difficult. Just use Dartagnan if you want Snatch stacks - there's even an EX skill for more Snatch now.

    Personally, I don't bother - for farming content I just run Solomon with Desertion (since it is AoE damage), double Vlads and 30% Drop Rate+ from Accessories. I think that it works for Gold boxes in Advents since I don't think I can ever get less than 4 Gold drops per fight, but elsewhere, I honestly don't know if there is any difference.
    Ok, that is good to hear. I will just drop Mammon and clear things faster then.

    I was just google searching and clicking everything to get something about Snatch level and it was written by someone, not sure about credibility.
    Last edited by Dragon; 10-26-2019 at 07:11 PM.

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