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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    DUlt nerf should be coming around year-end and should be much easier to deal with after that.

    Elaborating a little more on what Slashley said, you only need to consistently clear the first 2 waves in GO to starting earning oris - 4 mission points from week 1 (1. clear 1st wave 3 times, 2. clear 2nd wave 3 times, 3. participate 3 times, 4. participate 5 times) and 2 mission points from week 2 (1. clear 2nd wave 3 times, participate 5 times) - totaling 6 mission points over two weeks, which is one ori. So, you're technically more than good enough to start earning ori already.

    AQ1-3 doesn't cost you anything to try other than AP, so no harm trying. AQ3 actually has a chance of dropping SSR accessories, so you might end up with something that you keep in the long-run.

    Lol, you're better off MLB-ing the glaive and replace the LB0 with MLB SR disaster guns - you lose 3% assault each but easily made up for in stats. The guns can drop from standard and expert, too, which are much easier, so farm all of those daily.

    The Aratron guns you can keep apart for now, the defender boost can be helpful assuming they're SL-ed (also, pretty impressed that you got 3 guns at rank 51 when the guards haven't even been out for a month yet.)

    Wait, are you sure you counted it up correctly? 50% assault is actually kinda low... Full SR disaster weapons alone should get you 117% assault (9x13% - last weapon usually soul weapon or whatever weapon you have on hand that matches your soul.)

    Icarus GO is actually one of the easier ones to turtle through if you're not adverse to turtle strategies.

    Actually, all T4 souls' 2nd and 3rd abilities are configurable. If you're switching out Hector's critical buff for something else though, she may or may not be better than other souls. In any case, I think most ppl will farm for multiple T4 souls anyway, there're quite a few good ones and they're all good for different things. Prioritization depends on play style, how competitive you are, and how many fangs/prison cores you have stockpiled already.
    Yeah, farmed the hell out of guardian raid during half ap event. Too bad the gun are all exchanged, no ssr drop at all...maybe becoz i leeched too much haha. All gun skill level 14-15, and the bow also have guardian, my team have around 6k+ hp now.

    Btw, this guardian raid weapon both skill is stackable, right?
    Last edited by Yukarichan; 11-07-2019 at 11:00 PM.

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