Three questions for now, I guess.

1. I've got Eidolon orbs to spend - finally hit 10,000 of them so I can get a Kaiser. Question is, which one?
My main team has been Light thus far, and my God Kaiser is already broken once. I imagine a second break would be quite nice.
On the other hand, I recently got Anubis so my Darks are gonna be climbing in power. I could give one break to my no-star Evil Kaiser.
On the other other hand, I also have a growing Wind team since I got Hraesvelgr so I could get the Wind Kaiser, but it would only be the first time.

2. Lugh has been in my back row while leveling her, but she's about ready to come to the front. What should the battle order be for my Light team? Currently it's:
- Shingen
- Trish
- Michael AW
- Light Tsukuyomi
- Sol AW
- (Lugh and Eros reinforcements)
I'm thinking that Lugh replaces Tsukuyomi insofar as who to remove, I just dunno what order people would recommend I try.
I also just got Light Athena on my GSSR last night, does she have a spot in the team anywhere?

3. I totally forgot to cash in my Guild Medals from the Skill Checker battles, and I got the Imperial Chaldea to break an SSR Eidolon. Thing is, I now have two 100% eidolons, so I'm wondering who would be better to break between Anubis and Hraesvelgr.
Dark Team: Shingen, Satan AW, Chernobog, Dark Amaterasu, Osiris (Samael and Kali as subs)
Wind Team: Shingen, Cu Chulainn AW, Titania AW, Hastur, Aether (Gaia AW and Wind Poseidon as subs)
I'm thinking Wind? I know I'm missing some key players for Dark.