Quote Originally Posted by jepong03 View Post
Hi newbie here. Which one should I awaken first? Sol, Shiva, Svarog or Odin?
Sol, Shiva and Svarog all have super good Awakenings, so it's just a matter of who do you use/like the most.

Odin Awakening is really lackluster, and you might as well not bother.
Quote Originally Posted by jepong03 View Post
And is it ok to have 2 healers in 1 team? I have andromeda and sol in my light group and can survive much but the damage output is really low. I'm thinking of changing it to herc and buy a soul weapon for her but I want to make sure I'm not making a mistake here.
That depends on content. In general you want to be strong enough to not use healers at all, for many things (such as Dark Ult and Dark Rag) that is rather difficult to reach - if not impossible.

I'd say get yourself Herc with her Axe and see how that goes. I kind of doubt that you're reaching -50% Def, so that really gimps your damage output, and Herc will really help with that.