Quote Originally Posted by steasyg View Post
Thanks for the detailed responses! There are a few things I would like to clear up since I'm still fairly new.

-What are exceed weapons?
-I'm running fodla in the back, are more healers (such as gryla) really necessary? I feel like I have plenty of sustain and would benefit more from other abilities as of right now.
-What is a Phantom Grid?
-Is thunder f2p friendly enough, or should I consider trying to continue rerolling for another 120% edilon? I got quite lucky pulling 2ssr kamihime including Baal with Nid
Exceed weapons help you with your burst damage. You'll be limited for a long time since the only available ones cost 15 Dragon Eyes (with each Eye costing 10 shards). It will be some time till you can afford one. I'd say not to worry about it at all.
Phantom Grids are when you get phantom weapons and 5 additional of the same type for a special bonus to all similar weapons in the grid. I also wouldn't worry about it at this stage. You've got probably 6 months at the least before you'll be limited. We can talk then about how to break these limitations then.

You have Nid and BaalU.... you're plenty viable F2P. You're in a very good position for the long term. Thunder is a very decent element and can do very well both as F2P and also whaling. I main thunder and think IMO it's an OP element. So you're doing just fine!!

If you're using Fodla as your healer than Cyclops is a much better choice. The affliction removal, zeal, and 5% hp for thunder himes is awesome. Zeal (+10 Burst Generation/round) increases your team speed to allow faster bursting.

I'd definitely focus on additional MLB Eidolons and SR Assault Weapons from the Thunder Raids. Start at Standard and clear all three as high as you can. The lower levels have a chance of dropping two Defender SR weapons and the Assault SR weapon. You want the assault one and you can keep the Defender ones until you get better.

Also as Dream pointed out do the Jormangandur Epic quest. You can also use him to initially build out your Eido grid. You can technically get a full MLB Eidolon from all Epic quests if you do them; so I'd look to that. The Main Quest equipment is truly sub-par so don't bother with that.
