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  1. #1
    Everyone, thx for the replies.

    ...or maybe even Solomon for Tower farming
    Is it known when is the next tower event will be held?

    light Ama
    Oh, sure, I've her too (Light SR Amaterasu, right?). But hers just 10%, and i've unlocked Granualie already, so not much point in her imo

    What content are you struggling with?
    Acce r4 (edit - non-dark), GO, Dark ult more 50% solo.

    My current eidos are Jorm, Medusa (should replace asap, her SE useless), Trivia, Barong, Kinshi - all MLB, but kinshi not lvled yet, not enough ench mats
    Other epic quests' eidos too, but not MLB'ed yet.
    Archangel, Tiamat LB1
    Barong's SSR wep MLB
    Kinshi's LB2
    Take's release wep LB1
    Mordred's HP soul wep LB1 ()
    Dokimasia Blade LB1
    Dokimasia Scythe LB0
    MLB SR gun, hammer, lance weps

    Also, another 2 questions

    Is non-dragoons eidons from shop not worth bying? I got 2 Tiamats already, she's nice effects both as main for water team and as sub imo. Am i wrong?

    And second - what priority for using magna regalias? Guardian eido or acce slots on kamis?

    Yet another wall :facepalm:
    Last edited by Jessa; 01-29-2020 at 12:40 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    First what i'm want to make sure of, what should i do with raids' sr weps? Im breaked and enhanced one copy for each element, don't think there'll be any need for more, i'll replace them all with ssrs soon, after all.
    How soon is soon? Like a year soon? Probably will take you longer than that as a brand new player.

    Aim for full SR Assault Grid. HP weapons can go straight to fodder.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    So, can someone explain to me, how all of that calculates properly?
    The over-simplification of the damage formula is
    BaseAtk * Assault * Elemental
    Base Atk you get as you play and grow stronger, Assault comes mostly from your Grid, Elemental mostly comes from your Main Eidolon and the Support Eidolon.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    And last for today, would be glad if you could advise me about which soul should i working to get first.

    It's either andro or joan as of now.
    I am shocked that nobody has pointed out that there is a thread for this. Because everyone keeps asking.

    Do not fall for the Andromeda trap, please. Yes, heals are great when you are new. But as you keep progressing, the less and less relevant they become. Until then, Cass heals are plenty good enough.

    In general, you want Hercules since she offers you almost everything that you want from a Soul: damage output, fast burst generation, tankyness, a free EX slot and a Def Debuff (from her 1-Star/3-Star Axe). Shingen is end-game, but since Shingen is gated behind... well, probably more than six months of play now, that's plenty of time to use Hercules.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrestomancy View Post
    But mostly they make good fodder for skill level ranking. Give each one 6 R grade weapons (but not enhancement material R grade, which has zero Skill Level raising potential) and it gives 140 skill points.
    Honestly putting 6 Rs is kind of a waste. In the last skill level you spend 30 points to gain 35. Is it a gain? Well, yes. But if you actively leech Guardians, you'll have all the R Grails that you could ever want. Where you can put 30 points to gain 60.

    I personally only put 3 Rs into SR fodder, which is 30 points spent for 70 points.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrestomancy View Post
    * 100% Eidolons are actually 80% Eidolons, plus a bonus based on number of Eidolons that match that element.
    This was already covered by dreamlitz, but this only holds true for Managarmr and Anubis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
    It's hard to give strong feedback without your full team, eido and alternate Hime options. You can easily summarize your weapons (%Attack, %Exceed, etc.), but it's really hard to determine the right Soul without more detail in what you have and lack.
    There is no way that any amount of Exceed that he has would make any kind impact on him, at all...
    Quote Originally Posted by dreamlitz View Post
    If you want quick answers, you can try asking them on the wikia discord instead.
    The problem with Discord is that there is absolutely zero peer review. The local MagicSpice happens to be there and bullshits the answers? Well, you're fucked.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    Is it known when is the next tower event will be held?
    The encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox gives you a quick peek on all the upcoming events.

    Notice that in order to use Solomon, you must spend 6+15 MP on her (6 points in Ability+, 15 points in her CD-reset EX ability) AND have her offensive Soul weapon. Plus, you're so new that it probably won't even help you. With or without her you'll probably 4-turn the first ~5 floors, and then floors ~6-8 will just be a wall to you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    Is non-dragoons eidons from shop not worth bying? I got 2 Tiamats already, she's nice effects both as main for water team and as sub imo. Am i wrong?
    Older players will tell you no, but that's only because they already have all that stuff. That said, Epic Quests are a thing now. And Guardian Eidolons are better as main than anything outside of 100% Eidolons.
    You should certainly still MLB Tiamat due to her superb stats, but after that...
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    And second - what priority for using magna regalias? Guardian eido or acce slots on kamis?
    For Magnas? You eventually want both. Tiara set bonus is amazing, but only really hits the fan when you have 3-4 SSR Hime with it. But 100 Magnas + 200 Treasures for a 3-star Guardian is no small journey for a new player.

    By the way. If you see yourself getting into Kamihime, you should still reroll into a P2W Eidolon. It may feel bad to drop everything you've accomplished so far, but what you have right now is simply nothing in the marathon terms of Kamihime. If you're still playing one year from now, you will be sorry if you didn't reroll. You have been warned.

  3. #3
    P2W Eidolon
    That means 100% one?

    Also wtf do i do with staff mats, my inventory overflowed with them and all staffs i own currently are maxed. 260 places now for weps don't feel like increasing further and even if i do, p sure they will pile up quickly again :\
    Last edited by Jessa; 01-29-2020 at 02:09 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    That means 100% one?
    100% or better, yes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    Also wtf do i do with staff mats, my inventory overflowed with them and all staffs i own currently are maxed. 260 places now for weps don't feel like increasing further and even if i do, p sure they will pile up quickly again :\
    You can use them on any weapon, you know? Yes, there is a bonus for using on the same type. No, it isn't worth min-maxing.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    That means 100% one?
    Yes, an 'ideal' reroll would be the 140% ones - Cerberus, Leviathan, Hanuman or Nidhoggr.

    The 100% ones are still good, but obviously outclassed by the 140% ones. These are Belial, Rudra, Hraesvelgr, Kirin.

    For light and dark, there are only 100% ones, so it's fluffy or Anubis.

    Also wtf do i do with staff mats, my inventory overflowed with them and all staffs i own currently are maxed. 260 places now for weps don't feel like increasing further and even if i do, p sure they will pile up quickly again :\
    You don't have to use matching types to enhance, it just gives you a bonus if you do. If you're active, you'll be overflowing with enhance mats literally every day. I just press recommend and just throw whatever I have onto weapons and disregard the type bonus completely. You'll probably still have excess after that, which you can either sell or use them to level up your himes.

    Oh, sure, I've her too (Light SR Amaterasu, right?). But hers just 10%, and i've unlocked Granualie already, so not much point in her imo
    Yes, that's her. Sometimes you'll want to EX something else, so it's useful to have her around just in case, but yeah, her debuffs aren't that strong, which is why I think sniper shot is still worth getting.

    Acce r4 (edit - non-dark), GO, Dark ult more 50% solo.

    My current eidos are Jorm, Medusa (should replace asap, her SE useless), Trivia, Barong, Kinshi - all MLB, but kinshi not lvled yet, not enough ench mats
    Other epic quests' eidos too, but not MLB'ed yet.
    Archangel, Tiamat LB1
    Barong's SSR wep MLB
    Kinshi's LB2
    Take's release wep LB1
    Mordred's HP soul wep LB1 ()
    Dokimasia Blade LB1
    Dokimasia Scythe LB0
    MLB SR gun, hammer, lance weps
    Sounds like you just need more stats and more assault. I would just use Barong gun and all MLB SR disaster hammers for now (and maybe Mordred soul wep since you bought it already.) Your Hagith sword may be worth using since it's already LB1, but it takes forever to SL guardian weapons, so if it's not SL-ed up, prioritize the SR weapons first. Btw, Hagith sword is not a good long-term investment either. You should buy either the glaive (scythe) for exceed when you get strong enough, or the staff for a heal build (not recommended unless you pull Sol.)

    Is non-dragoons eidons from shop not worth bying? I got 2 Tiamats already, she's nice effects both as main for water team and as sub imo. Am i wrong?
    If you're active and do most/all your daily standard/expert raids, it's ok to spend a little here and there for non-kaiser stuff imo (I use my orbs for SR weapon and eido bricks and still manage to get the kaiser before every tower so far.) Tiamat is a really good stats stick and yes, the barrier can come in handy. If you keep struggling with low hp though, I would buy a second MLB copy of Barong 'cos she's light and has high hp - using high hp/low atk eidos usually sacrifices less in final dmg than using non-assault defender weapons like that Mordred soul weapon or Kinshi axe. Be on the lookout for assault/defender weapons like Metis' weapon if you have her. LB0 SSR hime weapons can also work, like Tsuku bow, Eros bow, Iris glaive and Frey sword. At LB0, they're all just placeholders, but you basically want to boost your hp while sacrificing as little atk and assault as possible - being able to survive but dealing no dmg isn't any better than not having hp to survive and dealing no dmg.

    And second - what priority for using magna regalias? Guardian eido or acce slots on kamis?
    Is Takeminakata your only SSR? She's not a priority for acc slots 'cos of her 3T GTA. You will not benefit from guardian eido until your grid is at least mostly SSR, ideally some FLB in there, so I would just sit on the magnas for now (and focus on farming for guardian weapons if given the choice.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    By the way. If you see yourself getting into Kamihime, you should still reroll into a P2W Eidolon. It may feel bad to drop everything you've accomplished so far, but what you have right now is simply nothing in the marathon terms of Kamihime. If you're still playing one year from now, you will be sorry if you didn't reroll. You have been warned.
    I second this.

  6. #6
    If you're low on base stats (atk, defense, hitpoints, etc.) the best advice is to max out your Attack and Defense Debuffs on enemies. This will be your single biggest contributor to survival and success. Make sure your teams have -50% Defense down and -50% Attack down debuffs total capability. Debuffs don't stack with others of the same frame but stack with other frames (i.e. an A frame defense down will not stack with another A frame defense down, but will stack with B and C frames). You'll also want to see if you can include Black Propaganda (adds an orb to the enemy overdrive meter).

    In this case, Mordred and D'Art are you most important Souls to open. You'll also want to aim for Hercules and her Soul Axe. That can get you 25% Defense down (with a fairly high hit rate) after burst.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    By the way. If you see yourself getting into Kamihime, you should still reroll into a P2W Eidolon. It may feel bad to drop everything you've accomplished so far, but what you have right now is simply nothing in the marathon terms of Kamihime. If you're still playing one year from now, you will be sorry if you didn't reroll. You have been warned.
    I third this. I had a fairly mature Light team and still dropped it when I rolled my lovely Nidhoggr and I'm so happy I did.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
    I third this. I had a fairly mature Light team and still dropped it when I rolled my lovely Nidhoggr and I'm so happy I did.


    Also, didn't you eventually roll a fluffy? Come back to the light!

    Actually, I'm working on a thunder team myself. Don't tell my light himes.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2017
    Actually, I'm working on a thunder team myself. Don't tell my light himes.
    ur LTsuki will turn yandere on u for dat, Dream

  10. #10
    Hello, thanks everyone for your replies, really appreciate this.

    You don't have to use matching types to enhance, it just gives you a bonus if you do.
    Welp, i like to do everything with a max efficiency, but looks like it doesn't matter there, so will not bother with that anymore, ok.

    3T GTA
    GTA? edit Nvm, got it, 3 turn guaranteed triple attack.

    Also, is it allowed to collect tower keys and do few/all floors in one day?
    Last edited by Jessa; 01-31-2020 at 03:40 AM.

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