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  1. #10
    Everyone, thx for the replies.

    ...or maybe even Solomon for Tower farming
    Is it known when is the next tower event will be held?

    light Ama
    Oh, sure, I've her too (Light SR Amaterasu, right?). But hers just 10%, and i've unlocked Granualie already, so not much point in her imo

    What content are you struggling with?
    Acce r4 (edit - non-dark), GO, Dark ult more 50% solo.

    My current eidos are Jorm, Medusa (should replace asap, her SE useless), Trivia, Barong, Kinshi - all MLB, but kinshi not lvled yet, not enough ench mats
    Other epic quests' eidos too, but not MLB'ed yet.
    Archangel, Tiamat LB1
    Barong's SSR wep MLB
    Kinshi's LB2
    Take's release wep LB1
    Mordred's HP soul wep LB1 ()
    Dokimasia Blade LB1
    Dokimasia Scythe LB0
    MLB SR gun, hammer, lance weps

    Also, another 2 questions

    Is non-dragoons eidons from shop not worth bying? I got 2 Tiamats already, she's nice effects both as main for water team and as sub imo. Am i wrong?

    And second - what priority for using magna regalias? Guardian eido or acce slots on kamis?

    Yet another wall :facepalm:
    Last edited by Jessa; 01-29-2020 at 12:40 PM.

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