Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
It's readily apparent in the guide you wrote, but it's your guide and I'm not going to own/embellish/correct it.
Dude. The way how progress works is conflict. You put two ideas next to each other, you compare them, you adapt, you improve.

Putting only one idea out there leads nowhere, and "not going to own/embellish/correct it" is the exact opposite of what one should be doing.
Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
-- you constantly state is why people hate you --
P-People hate me? Nobody has ever told me that before... why would they talk behind my back like that?
Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
-- and correct some of your biases and misconceptions (from a high-level understanding).
Damage Cut is one of the most powerful abilities in Kamihime. It works as a percentage and basically does two things: -- b) reduces by the percentage your chance of being afflicted with a resistable debuff.
Ah yes, high-level understanding indeed.

Question. Why don't you go and make a 100% damage cut team WITHOUT any elem res+ buffs (example: Joan, any two of Raiko/Pluto/Snow Raph/Gaia/Karin/Water Osiris/Cernunnos), go fight Bethor. Let me know often in those 100% damage cut turns make you immune to debuffs.

Or let me save you the bother: none of them. Since damage cuts inherently do NOT give you debuff resistance. 100% damage cut makes you take 0 damage, and taking 0 damage is enough damage to receive debuffs. One specific type of damage cuts - elemental resist - however does. Reach 100% wind resistance specifically and you're immune to Bethor's debuffs. Mix and match 50% of other types of damage cut and 50% of wind res+ and you take 0 damage with 50% less chance of taking a debuff from Bethor.

You might be mixing things up with the "immune" abilities? These make you take "miss" damage. You cannot be inflicted with debuffs when taking "miss" damage, because "miss" is clearly different from "0", thanks devs!
Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
Within basic damage cut there are two frames that stack: A-frame and Stacking Frame.
Example of latter, please? I am unaware of any "stacking" frame damage cuts, unless they're very recent into Kamihime or a thing in the future. But since A-frame already stacks, what's the difference anyway...?
Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
(i.e. fire elemental resist only affects damage from fire sources/monsters)
Monsters here is incorrect. The only thing that matters is the element of the attack itself. This is very rare in Kamihime, but for example, previous Tower had a bug where the Water element final boss would hit you with an attack that first hits you with Water and then with Fire. The Fire attack coming from a Water element mob does NOT get reduced by water res+.

And then... your post kinda pewtered off. You posted before you were finished with the post?

Well, regardless, can you answer some basic questions, please? Since without the same premise, there cannot be an argument.
1. What defines what is and what is not a "damage cut team"?
2. Do you AAB with a "damage cut team"?
3. How does one build for a "damage cut team" Grid which - I assume since your post is unfinished - strongly relies upon Vigor and Ascension, two largely unavailable weapon skills?