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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by bcp View Post
    Do you also have any advice on what to farm to get stronger?
    I'm sure Slashley has a ton of things to say, but I'll make a few suggestions while he's busy writing event notes. Andromeda isn't a bad soul, she has her uses as either a turtle team or a raid support team lead. Her main problem is she's not going to help as much with solo content, because the quantity of healing you get is never going to match the rate of damage coming in, unless you've gone for a turtle build, and turtling makes the grind even longer. It's worth mentioning that the most important thing to work on in this game is to maximise your rate of improvement for time you put in; anybody could grind everything for 18 hours a day and get good. The trick is to get to the highest reward content with the fewest hours spent grinding.

    So, on souls - you do want to unlock most of them if not all, ultimately. And you'll get a steady stream of soul points for that. Key are Shingen, because even when you're not using her, you want Provisional Forest available, and I'd say D'Artagnan, for Sniper Shot. It's worth going for Solomon to get through some content like the current labyrinth quickly, and to get Medea who does the same thing only better, and Hercules is great as an A tier, but her S-tier evolution isn't great until we get a rebalance patch in 8 months time.

    So, back to the benefit-per-hour stuff. I'd say your objective is to get:
    * 4 SSR Kamihime in your chosen element, each with 5 unlocked accessory slots, each with 3 maxed out demon tier tiara accessories
    * One S-tier soul unocked with a MLB weapon
    * 9 SSR FLB weapons, ideally each with Assault, in your chosen element (or 8 and one phantom-weapon matching type with at least 5 others), ideally with several kamihime weapons among them (Guardian weapons are a possible stop-gap here)
    * A pay-to-win eidolon in your chosen element. Or, if you're an idiot like me who didn't reroll into one, a MLB Guardian eidolon in your chosen element
    * Relevant SSR Dragoon eidolon for your element, plus 2 SR Dragoons MLB in that same element, plus at least 4 MLB eidolons in the same element including the Guardian eidolon if possible

    Most people won't get that far, but it's a good baseline to aim for. How to get there? Try to build

    So, I'd list tasks as follows:
    1. Events that give Magic Jewels. P2W Eidolons are the hardest thing to get in quantity. followed by SSR Kamihime. So do these first. Usually they give out other things you need, like accessories, SR fodder, usable SSR Eidolons, soul points and the like. If you don't want to spend the time to complete everything, pick the cut-off point as most of the events have a sloping curve for effort-reward towards the end. For example, there's no point farming for 4 copies of an SSR eidolon; if you don't MLB it with 5, then you won't use it long-term. So if you can't be bothered to pick up all the stretch goals of draconic eyes and jewels, at least pick up all the SSR weapons and eidolons.
    2. Guild Orders. You need Ori to FLB weapons. It's 5 fights per week, two of which you quit out before even starting so under 1min. It gives Jewels as well, and those yellow books you need to limit break your kamihime, it's the most efficient farming in the game.
    3. Gemcha. Draw all 10.
    4. Raids. Support others, start your own. Aim to get at least enough grails/SR fodder to burn through your gemcha R weapons. This has synergy because it gets you globes, magnas or regalia you need for other things on the list.

    Beyond that? I'd recommend getting the best accessories you currently can, and filling the 3 open slots on your hime with the best you have and levelling them to about level 20 because that's a big improvement for a small investment. After that, ignore accessories until you can both farm accessory quests for demon-level accessories, and host-farm Magnas through ragnarok raids, either solo or with a union who reliably back you up. The rate of getting Magnas from leeching is so pathetically low, it's not worth considering accessory unlocks with them. When you can reliably host and win a guardian raid, then you want to do at least one daily, and then host a Och raid for the pages.

    My recommendation is to avoid as much wasted effort as possible. So for example, levelling up the skill level of SR weapons you are using will help you in the short term, but you're not going to be using any of those weapons in 3-6 months time. Levelling up a nice SSR accessory to 50 is fine, but if it isn't a demon accessory, you'll ultimately replace it in the future for something better.

    So, over to Slashley for corrections :-)
    Last edited by Chrestomancy; 08-12-2020 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by bcp View Post
    Thank you for all the help. Do you also have any advice on what to farm to get stronger?
    By far the most important thing is doing Gem Gacha every day and getting one element full on slvl20 SR Assault weapons (or better). That is the STARTING point of Kamihime.

    Andromeda is a newbie trap. She seems great, but sadly, she is not particularly useful. As soon as you reach the above mentioned starting point, you'll do enough damage that heals will be far, far less useful for you. I highly recommend you stick to my guide, which is Gawain -> Cass -> MORDRED, followed by Dartagnan/Herc/Joan in whatever order you feel like.

    However. Since you're below rank 50... ... it would also be extremely good to reroll into a 100% or better Eidolon. Aim for Cerberus/Leviathan/Hanuman/Nidhoggr, maybe Managarm/Anubis. Yes, that means throwing all of your progress so far into the trash bin. But trust me, it is VERY worth it. Trust me, trust me, TRUST ME. Seriously. It makes a HUGE difference, both right now and far, far, far into the future.
    Quote Originally Posted by bcp View Post
    Also, do you know anything about farming the new labyrinth event? Is it better to just continue at your highest lap and keep dying for drops? Or just start at weaker laps to build a lap bonus?
    Sadly, I do not know. When Labyrinth event came out, it was such a breeze for me that all mobs just fell over. As such, it is difficult for me to understand your pains...

    Anyway, higher levels have bigger chest bonus, which means less AP spent to get treasures. But if you're struggling, it might be better to farm lower levels and just keep moving up until you hit a wall.

    All events are always worth farming. Remember, everything you do will make you stronger. The main weapon this time around will be really great for Medea builds come April 2021. Even if that wouldn't apply to you, there are lots of other neat stuff available from the event such as Jewels.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chrestomancy View Post
    I'm sure Slashey has a ton of things to say, but I'll make a few suggestions while he's busy writing event notes.
    I was at work!

    I don't really have much to correct. Except you spelled my name incorrectly (twice) and I think you're jumping ahead quite a bit. I doubt he needs that much of a list of things to do just yet~

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Except you spelled my name incorrectly (twice) ...
    D'oh. I think I've been misreading that for years. I've corrected my post.

  4. #4
    Hello first time posting, been playing for 3 weeks, If I am to Mtix the Hundo Eidolon, can I ask a suggestion on which element does better beetween Wind and Dark?

    Wind: Gaia, Chulain, Isis
    Dark: Susanoo, Thanatos, Satan, Berith, Pluto, Chernoborg.

    Have more Dark core than wind but that Azzazel AW is just one of the strongest, Anubis is Best Eidolon for dark, while Hraevs is still bellow hanuman.
    Grids are 0LB guardian weapon.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterX View Post
    Hello first time posting, been playing for 3 weeks, If I am to Mtix the Hundo Eidolon, can I ask a suggestion on which element does better beetween Wind and Dark?

    Wind: Gaia, Chulain, Isis
    Dark: Susanoo, Thanatos, Satan, Berith, Pluto, Chernoborg.

    Have more Dark core than wind but that Azzazel AW is just one of the strongest, Anubis is Best Eidolon for dark, while Hraevs is still bellow hanuman.
    Grids are 0LB guardian weapon.
    But you don't have Azzy :thinking: Definitely would pick Anubis there.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessa View Post
    But you don't have Azzy :thinking: Definitely would pick Anubis there.
    Thank you for the suggestion, Would it tip the favour to Wind over Dark if I have the Azzazel?

    Certainly it would have to wait until the next Mtix if wind is choosen.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by AlterX View Post
    Thank you for the suggestion, Would it tip the favour to Wind over Dark if I have the Azzazel?

    Certainly it would have to wait until the next Mtix if wind is choosen.
    Not really, tbh. Dark still looks more appealing to me there, for wind, aside of Azzy, you still want Aether/WiAtum/Frigg, not to mention that all elements 100% eidolons are kinda obsolete except for light and dark.

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